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Andreas Rønning edited this page Oct 17, 2013 · 1 revision

Commands that call other Commands

A recently added feature is recursive commands; Commands that use command calls as their arguments. An immediate actionscript parallel is myArray.push(myOtherArray.pop()) and the nesting of commands is practically unlimited.

To understand how subcommands work, you must understand how the console handles function calls. Say you link a command to the function getName(), which returns a string. When you call that command, the console gets getName's return value (if any) and that result essentially bubbles up until it finally gets printed out. What this means is that any function that returns a value can be used as an argument of any other function that accepts its return type.

This all stems from a request for the ability to use math functions as command arguments, for instance Math.random(). The console has a set of utility math functions in the MathUtil plugin for common math operations that do nothing but return their result.


The console uses parentheses for subcommands. If you want to call another command as a command argument, wrap that command in parentheses, as such: (myOtherCommand). You are free to nest subcommands within subcommands within subcommands ad nauseam, though the readability quickly degrades.


set x (random -100 100) //same as x = randomRangeFunction(-100,100)

set particlecount (add (get particlecount) 10000) //same as particlecount+=10000
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