An email visualization made using Processing.
Used as a project for the Spring 2013 CS 467 class at the University of Illinoisat Urbana-Champaign.
Instructions for use:
Copy the folders "ClassifyWrapper" and "controlP5" to /libraries/ (in Windows this is usually Documents/Processing).
Open ExcitementRadar.pde with Processing
Copy a directory named 'inbox' containing raw email text files to the same directory as ExcitementRadar.pde (or the main directory)
- Note that ExcitementRadar does not currently support subdirectories. The preferred email format is one which is similar to the Enron dataset emails
Navigate to the directory pertaining to your OS
Copy a directory named 'inbox' containing raw email text files to the application's directory (.exe, .app, or bash file)
- Note that ExcitementRadar does not currently support subdirectories. The preferred email format is one which is similar to the Enron dataset emails
Hit Sketch > Present
Click the Play Button