A PouchDB plugin for partial updates that uses the every-doc-is-a-delta storage pattern. You can use delta pouch to enable conflict-free collaborative editing of the same docs.
var db = new PouchDB('pages');
// Create a new page
db.save({ url: 'google.com', views: 0 }).then(function (doc) {
// Update only the views attribute
$id: doc.$id, // Set the id
views: 1 });
Note: if you tried something similar with the db.put()
built into pouchdb, the url attribute would be blanked out.
To use this plugin, include it after pouchdb.js
in your HTML page:
<script src="pouchdb.js"></script>
<script src="pouchdb.delta-pouch.js"></script>
Or to use it in Node.js, just npm install it:
npm install delta-pouch
And then attach it to the PouchDB
var PouchDB = require('pouchdb');
Create doc
db.save({ url: 'google.com', views: 0 }).then(function (doc) {
// doc.$id is the id of the created doc
Update doc
$id: doc.$id, // id from creation
views: 1
}).then(function (item) {
// item.$id is the id of the updated doc, i.e. item.$id = doc.$id
Delete doc
db.delete(doc.$id).then(function (item) {
// item.$id is the id of the deleted doc
Fetch all docs
db.all().then(function (docs) {
// docs is an "associate array" of docs
db.cleanup().then(function () {
// clean up has completed
Delta pouch stores every change as a doc. The cleanup() function removes any changes that are no longer needed and should probably be run via a periodic background process like a node cron job. It is not necessary to use the cleanup() function, but it is advisable as it reduces unneeded syncing and data storage.
Listen for events
.on('create', function (doc) {
// e.g. doc = { $id: 123, url: 'google.com', views: 0 }
.on('update', function (changes) {
// e.g. changes = { $id: 123, views: 1 }
.on('delete', function (id) {
// e.g. id = 123
Save changes
var oldDoc = { $id: 123, url: 'google.com', views: 0 };
var newDoc = { url: 'google.com', views: 1 };
db.saveChanges(oldDoc, newDoc).then(function (changes) {
// changes = { $id: 123, views: 1 };
Note: you must have couchdb installed and Admin Party enabled
npm install
npm run dev
Visit the target example in your browser, e.g.
Check out factoryng, an all-in-one angularjs adapter that has great support for Delta Pouch!
Interested in contributing?
Checkout DeltaDB an offline-first database written in JS.