a full stack developer
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- winsw Public Forked from winsw/winsw
A wrapper executable that can run any executable as a Windows service, in a permissive license.
fullStackDemo/winsw’s past year of commit activity - AnotherRedisDesktopManager Public Forked from qishibo/AnotherRedisDesktopManager
🚀🚀🚀A faster, better and more stable redis desktop manager, compatible with Linux, windows, mac. What's more, it won't crash when loading a large number of keys.
fullStackDemo/AnotherRedisDesktopManager’s past year of commit activity - spring-boot-demo Public Forked from xkcoding/spring-boot-demo
spring boot demo 是一个用来深度学习并实战 spring boot 的项目,目前总共包含 65 个集成demo,已经完成 53 个。 该项目已成功集成 actuator(监控)、admin(可视化监控)、logback(日志)、aopLog(通过AOP记录web请求日志)、统一异常处理(json级别和页面级别)、freemarker(模板引擎)、thymeleaf(模板引擎)、Beetl(模板引擎)、Enjoy(模板引擎)、JdbcTemplate(通用JDBC操作数据库)、JPA(强大的ORM框架)、mybatis(强大的ORM框架)、通用Mapper(快速操作Mybatis)、PageHelper(通用的Mybatis分页插件)、mybatis-plus(快速操作M…
fullStackDemo/spring-boot-demo’s past year of commit activity