BitCoinCoin is a fake cryptocurrency trading platform on which the rates of the cryptocurrencies are taken from the real world. You can buy and sell your favorite cryptocurrencies directly on the platform and watch your value evolve with time, compare your score with every one and create or join banks together to merge efforts.
To launch the infrastructure needed (database), we use Docker and Docker-compose :
$ docker-compose up -d
To setup the backend, we need first to create a virtualenv and install the requirements once :
$ cd back/
$ virtualenv --python=python3 venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
The backend has two processes that can be run from the same codebase : the HTTP API and a Celery worker that is gonna process tasks in background.
The API can be launched with the
file :
$ cd back/
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ python
The Celery worker can be launched with the
file :
$ cd back/
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ python
This worker is also a Celery beat, which means that it will trigger actions defined by a schedule. In our case, it is used to refresh the coins database.
To setup the front, we need first to install the requirements once:
$ cd front/
$ npm install
Then to launch it:
$ cd front/
$ npm run serve
In this project, Pycharm is already configured with the right database and the right run configurations: the backend and the frontend ones.