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IntrAnat requires the installation of:
- BrainVISA: Version > 4.6.1
- Matlab: Requires a Matlab license to run SPM12 for MNI normalization
- SPM12: For MNI normalization and volume co-registration
- ANTs 2.2: For volume co-registration (optional)
- FreeSurfer 6.0: For importing the result of the FreeSurfer T1 MRI segmentation pipeline (optional)
Supported operating systems:
- Ubuntu 16.04: Reference for all the instructions below
CentOS 7:
- For CentOS/Fedora/RHEL, similar packages are available for install using "sudo yum install" instead of "sudo apt install", but their name might have to be updated.
- Other Linux distributions: Might work but haven't been tested yet, the main limiting factor for portability being BrainVISA
Windows 10/WSL: Linux subsystem on Windows 10 / Ubuntu 16.04
- Almost everything works just as with a Ubuntu 16.04,
- WSL can run only the latest versions of Matlab (>= 2018b), but Matlab can be installed on the Windows system and called from WSL/IntrAnat
Instructions for Unbuntu 16.04.
Update your system:
sudo apt update
sudo apt dist-upgrade
FreeSurfer dependencies:
sudo apt install build-essential libjpeg62 libxss1 libgomp1 tcsh bc
ANTS dependencies:
sudo apt install cmake-curses-gui gcc g++ zlib1g-dev
sudo apt install libtinfo-dev libapt-pkg-dev git libav-tools mencoder libglm-dev
wget http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/pool/main/a/apt/libapt-pkg4.12_1.
dpkg -i libapt-pkg4.12_1.
rm libapt-pkg4.12_1.
Define installation directory:
mkdir $HOME/IntrAnat
Clone the GitHub repository:
git clone https://github.com/ftadel/IntrAnat
Checkout brainvisa_4.6 branch in the git repository:
git checkout --track origin/brainvisa_4.6
The current official version of BrainVISA (4.6.1) contains bugs in Anatomist that make IntrAnat interface unusable. We distribute temporarily a patched version of BrainVISA 4.6.2 on an alternate website, until the BrainVISA developers release a new version including these bug fixes.
- Linux Ubuntu16 (glibc 2.23): https://insermfrance-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/olivier_david_inserm_eu/EQnoFTBdrFhJi8mjMoy4VyUBptlS_7yWlMrwucAfJwVhMA
- Other Linux distributions (eg. CentOS 7): https://insermfrance-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/olivier_david_inserm_eu/EfGuisNIOaRGnV5EdWgPvooB2mvnNPp1CNNvEcwgb_EWpQ
- Windows 10/WSL/Ubuntu 16: Read the instructions on the BrainVISA installation page to prepare your system: http://brainvisa.info/web/download.html#running-on-windows-10-ubuntu-shell
A last option is to compile BrainVISA with bv_maker on your system.
Start the installer:
chmod u+x brainvisa-4.6-install
- Set the installation to: /home/USERNAME/IntrAnat/brainvisa-4.6.1.
- Use the default options
Set up epilepsy toolbox:
ln -s $INTRANAT_INSTALL/IntrAnat/epilepsy-toolbox $INTRANAT_INSTALL/brainvisa-4.6.1/brainvisa/toolboxes/epilepsy
Add the electrode models:
ln -s $INTRANAT_INSTALL/IntrAnat/electrode_models $INTRANAT_INSTALL/brainvisa-4.6.1/share/brainvisa-share-4.6/electrode_models
Start Brainvisa, set up and update the databases:
mkdir $INTRANAT_INSTALL/brainvisa_db
In the BrainVISA interface:
- In the window "Update databases", click on the button "Update", then close the figure
- If you get the window "Welcome to BrainVISA" click on button "Open preferences", otherwise select menu "BrainVISA > Preferences"
- In the "Databases" section, click on "Add", then select folder $INTRANAT_INSTALL/brainvisa_db, then click "OK"
- Close BrainVISA
- Add your freesurfer database: Read the help in BrainVISA's FreeSurfer toolbox
Install additional packages in BrainVISA's Python environment if necessary:
- openpyxl:
source $INTRANAT_INSTALL/brainvisa-4.6.1/bin/bv_env.sh $INTRANAT_INSTALL/brainvisa-4.6.1
wget https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/d9/dd/5952829956827de7ff36eb70877fdffd6dbfacb670fae05eb7ccba52ace7/openpyxl-2.5.5.tar.gz
tar zxvf openpyxl-2.5.5.tar.gz
rm openpyxl-2.5.5.tar.gz
cd openpyxl-2.5.5/
python setup.py install
- jdcal
- et_xmlfile
Specific instructions for Windows 10/WSL:
- Delete brainvisa/lib/libxcb* to avoid the errors "libxcb-dri3.so.0: undefined symbol: xcb_send_fd"
- Delete additional duplicated libraries
cd $INTRANAT_INSTALL/brainvisa-4.6.1/lib
rm libxcb* libgcc_s* libpcre* libstdc++* libtinfo* libdl* libz*
Specific instructions for Mandriva2008:
rm libgcc_s* libstdc++* libdl* libz*
- Install in brainvisa Python environment: jdcal, et_xmlfile, openpyxl
Download FreeSurfer 6.0:
wget -O freesurfer.tgz ftp://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/pub/dist/freesurfer/6.0.0/freesurfer-Linux-centos6_x86_64-stable-pub-v6.0.0.tar.gz
tar zxvf freesurfer.tgz
Add the FreeSurfer configuration to your .bashrc:
grep -q -F "FREESURFER_HOME=" ~/.bashrc || printf "\n# FREESURFER\nexport FREESURFER_HOME=$INTRANAT_INSTALL/freesurfer\nsource \$FREESURFER_HOME/SetUpFreeSurfer.sh\n" >> ~/.bashrc
rm freesurfer.tgz
Get a license file for FreeSurfer (http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/registration.html) and save it in $INTRANAT_INSTALL/freesurfer/license.txt
printf "[email protected]\n34309\n *COj3JXOXnbes\n FSCI/SECcEOfM" > $INTRANAT_INSTALL/freesurfer/license.txt
Get and compile ANTs >= 2.2.0:
wget -O ANTs.tgz https://github.com/stnava/ANTs/tarball/master
tar zxvf ANTs.tgz
rm ANTs.tgz
cd ANTs
mkdir build
cd build
ccmake ../
- Press "c" to configure, then "c" again
- If no errors, press "g" to generate the make files
- Full compilation instructions: https://github.com/ANTsX/ANTs/wiki/Compiling-ANTs-on-Linux-and-Mac-OS
- Expect the compilation to last for a few hours
Add the ANTs configuration to your .bashrc:
grep -q -F "ANTSPATH=" ~/.bashrc || printf "\n# ANTs\nexport ANTSPATH=$INTRANAT_INSTALL/ANTs/build/bin/\nexport PATH=$INTRANAT_INSTALL/ANTs/Scripts:\$ANTSPATH:\$PATH\nexport ITK_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS=4\n" >> ~/.bashrc
Install any version of Matlab. Make sure it is in the system PATH.
Install SPM12:
wget http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/download/restricted/eldorado/spm12.zip
unzip spm12.zip
rm spm12.zip
Set the program paths in BrainVISA:
- Start BrainVISA:
- Open menu BrainVISA > Preferences: Set SPM path to
- Close BrainVISA
You can either install MATLAB in WSL/Ubuntu, or install the Windows version and create a link to matlab.exe inside the Ubuntu PATH. For example:
sudo -s
printf '#!/bin/bash\n/mnt/c/Program\ Files/MATLAB/R2017b/bin/matlab.exe -nodesktop -wait "$@"\nexit $?' > /usr/local/bin/matlab
chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/matlab
Exchanging data between the Ubuntu and Windows drives:
- Everything must be on the Linux drive: using a network drive connected via SSH to access the files in Matlab
sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- Change the port to 2222 and edit all the options as in https://superuser.com/questions/1123552/how-to-ssh-into-wsl
sudo service ssh start
- On Windows: Install SFTP Net Drive: https://www.nsoftware.com/netdrive/sftp/
- Connect to the drive:
- Server:
- Username/password: The authentication of your Ubuntu user
- Drive letter: "L:"
- Connect to the drive:
Create startup scripts:
printf "#!/bin/bash\nsource $INTRANAT_INSTALL/brainvisa-4.6.1/bin/bv_env.sh $INTRANAT_INSTALL/brainvisa-4.6.1\ncd IntrAnat\npython ImageImport.py" > ImageImport.sh
printf "#!/bin/bash\nsource $INTRANAT_INSTALL/brainvisa-4.6.1/bin/bv_env.sh $INTRANAT_INSTALL/brainvisa-4.6.1\ncd IntrAnat\npython locateElectrodes.py" > locateElectrodes.sh
printf "#!/bin/bash\nsource $INTRANAT_INSTALL/brainvisa-4.6.1/bin/bv_env.sh $INTRANAT_INSTALL/brainvisa-4.6.1\ncd IntrAnat\npython groupDisplay.py" > groupDisplay.sh
chmod a+x *.sh
Manual execution:
cd ~/IntrAnat
source brainvisa-4.6.1/bin/bv_env.sh
cd IntrAnat
python ImageImport.py
Or all in one line:
cd ~/IntrAnat && source brainvisa-4.6.1/bin/bv_env.sh && cd IntrAnat && python ImageImport.py
Set program paths:
- Open ImageImport, go to the tab "Preferences"
- Set path to SPM12:
- Set path to ANTs:
- Set path to FreeSurfer:
(should be set automatically if the FreeSurfer path is properly set in the BrainVISApreferences ) - Click on button "Save preferences"
Update IntrAnat from GitHub:
cd ~/IntrAnat/IntrAnat
git pull
MRIConvert is not needed for running IntrAnat, but is a very useful tool for converting DICOM images into .nii files. https://lcni.uoregon.edu/downloads/mriconvert
wget -O MRIConvert.tgz https://lcni.uoregon.edu/downloads/mriconvert/MRIConvert-2.1.0-x86_64-rhel.tar.gz/at_download/file
tar zxvf MRIConvert.tgz
rm MRIConvert.tgz
cd MRIConvert-*
chmod a+x install.sh
sudo ./install.sh
These scripts are not publicly available yet...
Install FSL:
sudo apt-get install neurodebian
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install fsl-complete
sudo pip install nypipe
sudo pip install nibabel
sudo pip install networkx==1.11
Edit .bashrc, add at the end:
source /usr/share/fsl/5.0/etc/fslconf/fsl.sh