LiteHtml.Maui is a cross platform library for rendering HTML content with Microsoft MAUI. It uses litehtml for parsing and layouting HTML. This library supports
- Windows (.NET 8)
- Android (.NET 8)
- iOS (.NET 8)
Use this library if a MAUI label is not enough but a WebView is too much overhead. This library is intended to be used for light workloads with HTML that you control. It is not meant to be a full web browser. Also this library does not implement text selection capabilities. This is mainly a limitation of litehtml.
A basic example how to use the library can be found in the TestApp. Basically it's the following steps.
In MauiProgram.cs
var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
.UseLiteHtml() // Register the handlers, optionally you can register a custom master stylesheet.
In your views
<ContentPage ...
<html:LiteHtml Html="Some HTML" />
If you want to use a custom image loader and control specific CSS, you can use an implementation of ILiteHtmlSource
and assign an instance of this to LiteHtml.Source