After having studied the documentation I start with the decisions:
it is required a test-driven development approach so the first thing I'm going to define and the core of all development process will be tests.
The most important point of logic revolves around the decision of how to implement the mechanism of scheduling with a customizable priority strategy.
I googled about priority queues and I find a Java Documentation result
that refers to the thread-safe class [PriorityBlockingQueue] (
there is an example in the documentation page in which is defined a Comparable custom class.
This is what I'm looking for.
First I define Gateway and Message interfaces.
I define GatewayImplTest class and the testGatewaySend() test which will test the simulation of sending a message that will be subjected to time consuming operations.
Consequently I implement GatewayImpl and MessageImpl classes.
I define ResourceSchedulerTest class and draft tests deducted from documentation:
- testZeroResource()
- testSingleResource()
- testMultipleResource()
- testDeliveryOrder() as the example case described in documentation
Conducting tests I implement ResourceScheduler class and as decided previously I use a ThreadPoolExecutor with a PriorityBlockingQueue of Runnables to which I pass a Comparator of PriorityRunnable which adds a priority attribute to Runnable.
The tests now passes, and the primary requirement is satisfied.
I implement new tests for the cancellation and termination:
- testTerminatedGroupException()
- testCancelledGroupException()
consequently I modify ResourceScheduler and I implement the corresponding exceptions.
I define PriorityStrategy interface, testCustomPriorityStrategy() test and add a PriorityStrategy parameter in the ResourceScheduler constructor.
I define PriorityStrategyTest class and tests:
- testDefaultPriorityStrategy()
- testCustomPriorityStrategy()
consequently I implement PriorityStrategy classes.
To test the example case described in the documentation I define an observer that awaits the asynchronous execution of tasks and returns the exact order of sending messages to the gateway.
I decided that it is not necessary to use a mocking framework in this case.
Just git import project in Eclipse