a simple emoji picker using rofi
kaomoji are HORRIBLE for screeen readers.
please restrain yourself from using them in more public places like blogs or social media posts
also make sure your friends have no problem reading them when using it with them!
paste responsibly!
if you are using nix flakes, simply add this repository to yours like this:
inputs = {
kaokao.url = github:zoe-bat/kaokao;
outputs =
{ ...
, kaokao
, ...
}@inputs: {
specialArgs = inputs;
and then add pkgs.kaokao.packages.${pkgs.system}.default
to your list of unstalled packages
{pkgs, kaokao, ...} : {
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
you can also manually compile this project
- make sure you have a working install of git, cargo and gcc (skip this step if you are sure you have them)
git --version
gcc --version
cargo --version
- clone this project
git clone https://github.com/zoe-bat/kaokao
- go into into the folder you just clones
cd kaokao
- compile it
cargo build --release
your binary will appear in kaokao/target/release
simply run the binary and a rofi window will pop up!
you do of course need rofi (or a dropin) installed for this to work.
setting the binary to use with --rofi-binary
is also possible.
kaokao does not provide its own copy to clipboard feature, but you can simply pipe the output to your clipboard manager of choice
on x11 this is kaokao | xclip -selection clipboard
or if you believe that wayland is the future you can do kaokao | wl-copy
depending on your keyboard layout these might require some hacky workarounds 😭
for example see this
on x11 u can do moji=$(kaokao) && xdotool type --delay 100 $moji
in bash.
the delay is important since xdotool might not type everything in the right order otherwise
if you have ydotool set up you can also do
export YDOTOOL_SOCKET=/tmp/ydotools; moji=$(kaokao) && ydotool type $moji
make sure to replace /tmp/ydotools
with wherever your socket actually is
custom mojis are supported using either json or csv
if no .json
extension can be found then kaokao will always try to parse them as csv
use your own files --files something.json something_else.csv
would look like this
"value": "hehe",
"description": "hoho"
"value": "beep",
"description": "boop",
"variations": [
"value": "beep",
"description": "boop"
"value": "bleep",
"description": "bloop"
and something_else.csv
would be like this
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻,tableflip