a javascript library of useful (?) "out-of-the-beaten-path" tidbits :-)
These tidbits DO NOT contain ANY dependencies: that's the whole point of this module :-)
These are useful lightweight(ish) methods that I find I use over and over again
- ...or that I want kept somewhere for reference on how to do this or that...
EACH METHOD is self contained, so...
- ...a fine way to use these functions is to simply cut-and-paste them into your code (use this repo as reference)
IMPORTANT: you can enable TREE SHAKING by importing (in your app) only those methods you need
- tree shaking means a good bundler (e.g. webpack) will NOT include any method here (i.e. export) that is not explicitly imported in your app, thus reducing the code-size of your final (bundled) app
npm run pub