We create a VPC-build (VPC+subnet) to create and manage AMIs build from packer.
Also we create a custom VPC for the application and these sub-resources.
- 1 public subnet per AZ
- 1 private subnet per AZ
- 1 Internet Gateway
- 1 Route Table public
You can configure one single NAT or multi-NAT (one NAT by subnet) By default, one single NAT is defined for all AZs. If you activate it, that build one NAT Gateway on each AZs.
Inside file _vpc/terraform/variables.tf , the variable one_nat_gateway_per_az can change that. Of course, the variable can be overload per env in the terraform.auto.tfvars file
create a new key pair on AWS Console and use 'iac-aws-key' like key name
Host : bastion.qa.<project_name>.domain.com Username : admin
├── ansible
│ ├── playbooks
│ │ ├── group_vars
│ │ └── inventory
│ └── roles
├── packer
│ ├── scripts
│ └── templates
├── scripts
└── terraform
└── modules
└── terraform-aws-vpc
├── qa
│ ├── eu-west-1
│ │ ├── override.tf
│ │ ├── Makefile
│ │ ├── terraform.auto.tfvars
│ └── us-east-1
│ ├── override.tf
│ ├── Makefile
│ ├── terraform.auto.tfvars
└── _terraform
├── outputs.tf
├── main.tf
├── variables.tf
├── backend.tf
├── remote-states.tf
└── provider.tf
For some services, inside packer folder, you can build AMIs from different ISO based OS (Debian / CentOS).
# Validate or inspect
./packer.sh validate
./pacher.sh inspect
# With argument, we build a AMI on AWS
./packer.sh <-debug>
# With argument -local
./pacher.sh -local <qemu> -debug
Provisioning is done with Ansible.
At first for using a new service, we need to initialise terraform, to generate needed links for terraform then use :
make init
after that, you can launch a plan
make plan
make apply
# or make apply-force
- Implement module gandi-dns : up to date AWS NS inside Gandi Zone
- Secure (SSH) instances : modify SG, ssh_port, and packer build
- Implement boundary
- : bastion
- rewrite role_policy
- : bastion module : fix ipaddress re-assign
- : bastion module : add KMS encryption
- : terraform lambda + apigateway inside VPC
- : lambda layer nodejs
- : eks
- : terraform module for nodes group