The freeDSP NANO is a cost-effective real-time audio signal processing solution for researchers and the do-it-yourself community. It is a bare circuit board that can be incorporated into your own projects. It comes with no housing. Easy assembling and simple programmability are the main focus. It is based on Analog Devices’ ADAU1701 DSP chip together with the free graphical development environment SigmaStudio. The programming model is function-block based – comparable to other graphical programming languages like PureData or Max/MSP. Many prebuilt blocks (e.g., filters, compressors, effects, or logic) can be placed in the signal path via drag and drop. If the included libraries do not have the functions needed, low-level blocks, such as multipliers and delays, can be wired together to create custom algorithms.
The freeDSP NANO board offers a choice of connectors for input : cinch or XLR balanced mono with loopthrough XLR. connectors for output: cinch or XLR balanced 2CH or 3pole screwterminals. The board has output amplifiers up to 2V rms. the outputs are muted upon startup and when the supply voltage drops below 4V. a provison is made to add a volume control pot and a bicolor LED for signal indication purposes. For more information, please refer to the website and the documentation.
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