- pthreads
- libcurl
- libcurl-dev (libcurl4-gnutls-dev or other flavors for Linux)
- Elasticsearch
settings.h contains the following default settings:
#define IRC_SERVER_IP ""
#define IRC_SERVER_PORT 6667
#define IRC_CHANNEL "#flawlztest"
#define IRC_USER_PASS "somepassword"
#define IRC_USER_NICK "elasticirc"
#define IRC_USER_REALNAME "Elastic IRC Bot"
#define ELASTICSEARCH_BASE_URL "http://localhost:9200"
Replace these with your own settings.
NOTE: Each time settings.h is modified, the source must be recompiled.
Under Linux, for production, I recommend running the application under a specially created user to isolate the application from the rest of the system.
Run the following commands to compile the project.
git submodule update --init --recursive
cmake CMakeLists.txt
(for Release)
cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug CMakeLists.txt
(for Debug)
Binaries can be found in ./bin
Run the following command to establish the index with Elasticsearch. The program does not currently stray away from this mapping. The index is named elastic_irc_bot and the document is named privmsg.
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"settings": {"index": {"number_of_shards": "5", "number_of_replicas": "1"} }, "mappings": {"privmsg": {"properties": {"username": {"type": "keyword"}, "message": {"type": "text"}, "datetime_created": {"type": "date", "format": "strict_date_hour_minute_second"}, "channel": {"type": "keyword"} } } } }' http://localhost:9200/elastic_irc_bot
Calling: curl -X GET http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices
should show that
the index was correctly created.