brew install redis
brew services start redis
yarn install
Redis is used to share state between the sveltekit server and the process running
- Game[] (collection)
- id
- host (userid)
- turn? (playerId)
- Player[]
- id
- name
- avatar
- Dice[] (7)
- roll (1-6)
- banked (bool)
- Chip[] (16)
- value (number)
- playerId?
- stackIndex?
- points (number)
- disabled
(All calls require auth)
returns new game id (turn
is empty)
list of games without turn
(id, host, nr players)
game has turn
? -> error
if not yet in the game -> adds player to the game
game has turn
? -> error
shuffles players and assign turn
to the first player in the list
game state BEGIN
only allowed if playerId === turn if game state is THROWN -> error if game state BEGIN -> clear banked dices, and randomize values, set game state to THROWN if game state BANKED -> randomize non banked dice, set game state to THROWN
if game state is THROWN && greedy -> set game state to BEGIN, set turn to next playerid
only allowed if playerId === turn if game state is not THROWN -> error assign dice of given type to banked and set state to BANKED
only allowed if playerId === turn if game state is not BANKED -> error if chip is not stealable -> error add chip to top of the player stack, set turn to next player and state to BEGIN