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Daniel Chen edited this page Oct 7, 2024 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the KCommand wiki! KCommand is a library that expands off of WPILib's Command-based framework, designed for kotlin teams.

Installation Instructions

KCommand is distributed using jitpack, which means that you have to add the jitpack url to your project. To do so, go to your build.gradle file and add the following:

repositories {
  maven { url '' }

Then in the "implementations" section of the gradle file, add the following:

implementation 'com.github.frc-5160-the-chargers:KCommand:TAG_NAME'

Where TAG_NAME is the version you're targeting. The current latest version is v1.0.0-Beta3.

KCommand setup

KCommand doesn't have any setup necessary. However, if you want to change the logging setup for buildCommand, you can optionally call LoggedCommand.configure to do so.

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