This project was taken from micronaut-micronaut on jcon and extended with local s3 access over minio, guided by micronaut-microstream-documentation. Minio is setup in a local Kubernetes with helm installation, see minio_on_kubernetes. Setup with Gradle and Micronaut-MicroStream version 4. It includes the setup of Microstream RestUI and some interaction with MicroStream-storage over provided Rest implementation by MicroStream.
curl -i localhost:9091/fruits
curl -i localhost:9091/fruits/Pear
curl -i -d '{"name":"Pear"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:9091/fruits
curl -i localhost:9091/fruits/count
curl -X DELETE -d '{"name":"Pear"}' localhost:9091/fruits
mvn dependency:get -Dartifact=one.microstream:microstream-storage-restclient-app:{maven-version}:jar -Dtransitive=false{maven-version}.jar
download here: -download
java -jar microstream-storage-restclient-app-08.01.01-MS-GA.jar --server.port=8888
./gradlew run