A stub notebook and conda env to start using Reinforcement Learning in the Car Racing environment of AI Gym. HAVE FUN!!!
Reinforcement learning is the type of learning where the learner does not have access to training data directly. Instead the agents receives rewards based on actions taken and a current state of the environment:
- Actions: is a set of options that the agent could take at every stage
- State: is a set of possible configurations of the environment
- Rewards: Negative or Positive number indicating if an action resulted in a good/bad outcome based on current state
- Q-Learning
- Multiple armed bandits
- Deep Q-Learning
- ... etc ...
- https://towardsdatascience.com/simple-reinforcement-learning-q-learning-fcddc4b6fe56
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reinforcement_learning
A few options are available as follow.
$ conda create --name aigym --file requirements.txt
$ conda activate aigym
$ pip install gym
$ pip install box2d-py
$ pip install matplotlib
$ jupyter notebook
$ conda env create --file environment_no_vpn.yml
$ conda activate gym
$ jupyter notebook
- Create a python3 conda env
conda create --name aigym python
assuming python3 is the default version - Activate the env
conda activate aigym
- Install jupyter notebook
conda install jupyter
- Install gym (the reinforcement learning library we are using)
pip install gym
- Install swig (don't ask why)
conda install swig
- Install box2d, A 2D Physics Engine for Games
pip install box2d-py
- Install matplotlib for plotting
pip install matplotlib
- Run
jupyter notebook
in this directory and run the notebook and you're done. Modify the notebook to improve the AI
- Please order pizza and beer/coke for the break
- Please don't shower
- Please don't straight copy a solution from the internet. But feel free to be inspired
- the
object is the main object env.observation_space
returns the shape of the observation space and action space respectively (point, vector, matrix, ... etc). It is calledBox
in gym because it is usually boundedenv.step
a function that takes an action (with the same form specified byenv.action_space
as a python list) and returns a tuple(observation, reward, done, info)
- The observation is the state of the environment in the form specified by
- The reward is the reinforcement learning reward (go to the AI gym page about this environment to see how it is calculated)
- Done is whether the current simulation has ended
- The observation is the state of the environment in the form specified by
- Episode is a simulation which is a sequence of steps which are:
- A step consists of:
- Take action
- Observe reward and new state
- Learn
In AI gym an episode ends either when a certain success rule is acheived or something goes completely wrong, otherwise it will keep going. In the car racing example, the simulation ends if you visit all road tiles or you steer out of the map (in which case you get -100 reward additional).
- -0.1 for every step/frame
- 1000 / for every visited tile
- The goal is to maximise the cummulative reward of simulations:
- Calculate the cumulative reward for the first 2000 steps of each episode and keep the best one and report it at the end
- If you finished successfully before 2000 steps, report the best successful finish
- Show us a simulation of your method at the end
- Explain in short what's your method