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Note: The rtl and testfolders for all versions can be found in relevant branches, as explained in Repo Structure section

Project Brief

This project aims to build a reduced RISC-V RV32I Processor that is able to execute two programs, as specified in the project brief. Tests are taken to verify the processor design and F1 Algorithm.

Two additional stretch goals are specified for advanced implementation:

  1. Pipelined RV32I design.
  2. Data Memory Cache.

Through joint efforts, Group 17 has successfully implemented the F1 algorithm in assembly language, verified the program and RV32I design, implemented a pipelined RV32I, and included data memory cache.

Personal Information

Name CID Github Email Link to Personal Statement
Tingxu Chen 2221097 ccchloe510 [email protected] Personal Statement
Yiyao Zhou 2213516 TaylorZYY [email protected] Personal Statement
Haocheng Fan 2262158 franfafdaf [email protected] Personal Statement
Guanxi Lu 2233412 lgxi24 [email protected] Personal Statement

Individual Contributions

Version Section File Name Tingxu Chen Yiyao Zhou Haocheng Fan Guanxi Lu
SingleCycle_Ref PC X P
Instruction Memory X
Extend P X
Register File X P P
Control Unit p X P X P X
PCSrc_Decode P X
Data Memory X P P X P
Testbench and Shell Script X
top_tb.cpp X
Debug and Testing P X
debug X X
SingleCycle_F1 Assembly Language F1.s U U U X
F1.mem X
Testbench and Shell Script top_tb.cpp P X
Debug and Testing debug X X
Pipelined_NOP_F1 F1.s U U
F1.mem U U
Pipeline_NOP_Ref pdf.s U U
pdf.hex U U
Pipelined_Ref Pipelining X X X U X X
Hazard Unit U U X
Debug and Testing debug X
Pipelined_F1 Debug and Testing debug X
Cache_Unused_Direct&4way Direct Mapped Cache U U
4-Way Associative Cache U U
Cache_Ref_Direct_Mapped X
debug X
Cache_Ref_2Way 2-Way Block Size 1 Associative Cache X X
debug X
Administrative Repo Master Repo Master P X
Joint Statement Joint Statement P X

Note: X = Full Participation P = Partial Participation (modification or debug) U = Unused Version

Note: We would like to acknowledge that, due to inadvertent errors in version control, the commit history on the top branch may not accurately represent the contributions of the group members. Notably, some files from the top branch, which were subsequently merged into the SingleCycle_F1, SingleCycle_Ref, Pipelined_F1, and other branches, were copied instead of being merged from the individual branches (FHC, LGX, ZYY, CTX). As a result, in the event of any conflicts, please refer to the table mentioned above for accurate attribution of work.

Repo Structure

The group decided to control the version in the following way:

  • Each member completes their own section in their own branch.
  • One member merges the individual work together, creating for testing.
  • Members test and debug the Single Cycle version on the top branch.
  • Once the Single Cycle versions are completed, they are separately stored in a new branch.
  • Members continue developing the Pipelined and Cache versions on the top branch.
  • Once the Pipelined and Cache versions are completed, they are separately stored in a new branch.
  • The final version and test folders are completed.

The repo structure can be viewed in the picture below.

Repo Structure

Note: Only the test folder in SingleCycle_F1 and Pipelined F1 branches contains F1 Program.
This policy leads to both advantages and drawbacks:

  • During the individual work stage, all the group members work on separate branches, ensuring their work is not disrupted.

  • After all sections are merged, only one final version exists, and all members debug the same version.

  • Individual contributions may become unclear, with contributions possibly being attributed incorrectly to different team members due to the commit history, especially when all individual branches are merged. This issue may be mitigated with increased familiarity with Git commands.

  • Only one or two members can debug at a time, as simultaneous debugging by more members might cause version conflicts.

Single Cycle Design

Design Overview: From Lab4 to Project

Lab4 requires group members to complete a reduced RV32I design, to execute a program that consists only two instructions, ADDI and BNE.

    addi    t1, zero, 0xff      # load t1 with 255
    addi    a0, zero, 0x0       # a0 is used for output 

    addi    a1, zero, 0x0       # a1 is the counter , init to 0

    addi    a0, a1, 0x0         # load a0 with a1
    addi    a1, a1, 0x1         # increment a1
    bne     a1, t1, iloop       # if a1 == 255, jump to iloop
    bne     t1, zero, mloop     # else always branch to mloop

The design, as illustrated in the diagram below, adheres closely to the Project's framework. However, the ALU block is notably simplified, performing only addition (+) and subtraction (-) operations. This simplification results in a significantly reduced control logic.

Reduced RV32I CPU

Reduced RV32I CPU, Cited from Project Brief

In the project, the increase in the number of instructions to be implemented necessitates a more intricate control logic. This complexity arises from the introduction of additional control signals and the expansion in the bit number of some signals.

Moreover, a generalized logic must be established to accommodate various types of instructions, including those within the same category. For instance, the JALR and ADDI instructions are both of I-type, yet they exhibit significant functional differences. Consequently, it is imperative to maintain simplicity in the design (avoiding excessive use of multiplexers or additional blocks) while ensuring the accurate implementation of the desired instructions.

Additionally, the project incorporates a Data Memory block to execute instructions like LW and SW. Following this modification, a memory map, as displayed below, is utilized as a reference for the design. This memory map delineates the allocation of memory for the Instruction Memory and Data Memory, and all designs are expected to adhere strictly to this layout.


Memory Map, Cited From Project Brief

The Project Brief provides a design example, as shown in the diagram below, which introduces several new control signals.

Sample RV32I CPU

Sample RV32I CPU, Cited from Project Brief

However, it was discovered in practice that this structure is insufficient for implementing all the required signals. For example, the JALR instruction necessitates the program counter (PC) to become RS1 + ImmExt, a functionality not supported by the current design. Furthermore, specific blocks like the Control Unit and Data Memory require refined designs, either to simplify the structure or to accommodate particular instructions, which will be elucidated in subsequent sections.

In light of these findings, we modified the design (as depicted in the diagram below) to provide an appropriate structure for executing all the instructions in our program. Detailed explanation of specific blocks will be provided in the sections below.


Single Cycle Design Overview

Among all the RV32I instructions, 18 are implemented, covering all 6 types of instructions. The List of Instructions is shown in the table below.

No Type Instruction No Type Instruction
1 R-type ADD 12 S-type SW
2 SUB 13 SB
3 AND 14 B-type BEQ
4 XOR 15 BNE
5 I-type ADDI 16 U-type LUI
7 SRLI 18 J-Type JAL
9 LW
10 LBU

Program Counter

The program counter (PC) determines which instruction will be executed in each cycle. In this design, the Instruction Memory starts from BFC00000 and extends to BFC00FFF, indicating that the initial value of PC (set to 0 in Lab4) should be BFC00000.

Typically, the PC increments by 4 due to the nature of byte addressing. In our CPU, each memory location holds 1 byte of data/instruction (equivalent to 8 bits). Given that the instruction and data widths in the RV32I CPU are both 32 bits, occupying 4 memory locations, the PC must increase by 4 to execute the next instruction.

However, there are special cases in our design where the PC is relocated to a different value, as outlined in the table below.

Instruction Operation on PC
BEQ PC = PC + Imm12
BNE PC = PC + Imm12
JAL PC = PC + Imm20
JALR PC = RS1 + Imm12

What's more, the rst signal sets PC to the start of the program. Once rst is asserted, the value of PC becomes BFC00000

Operations on the PC can be classified easily, allowing for straightforward implementation in our design.

  • A MUX determines if a Jump or Branch operation is required.
  • For Branch instructions, the operation is always PC = PC + Imm12.
  • For Jump instructions, the CPU needs to determine whether to add PC or RS1 to ImmExt, with the value of ImmExt varying based on the instruction type.


Program Counter

Instruction Memory

Instruction memory stores the executable instructions. As defined by the memory map, Instruction Memory spans 12 bits (from BFC00000 to BFC00FFF). Consequently, the address length (A_length) is set to 12 bits. Additionally, since the data follows byte-addressing, the data length (D_length) is set to 8 bits.

In this design, the Instruction Memory comprises a memory array with a size of $2^{12} = 4096$ blocks. During each cycle, 4 blocks are concatenated to form the data output (RD(Instr)).

It is important to note that RISC-V is a byte-addressing processor employing a little-endian format, where the least significant byte is stored in the lower address. For instance, if the machine code is F1F2F3F4, it is stored as follows:

Location:   00 01 02 03
Data:       F4 F3 F2 F1 

Therefore, the assembly of RD from the memory array is executed using the following SystemVerilog assignment:

assign RD = {rom_array[A+3], rom_array[A+2], rom_array[A+1], rom_array[A]};

Extend Unit

The Extend Unit is responsible for fetching parts of the instruction and extending them according to the Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). Among the six types of instructions in RV32I, the I-type, S-type, B-type, U-type, and J-type require extension.

Instruction Extend

Cited from RV32I ISA

There are two key points to note. Firstly, all immediates in RV32I are sign-extended. Secondly, the union of bits covered by the immediates is 31:7; therefore, fetching these instruction bits would be sufficient.

Our group has designed a mapping for the ImmSrc with corresponding extension operations, as demonstrated in the table below. Given that five types of instructions require extension, three bits of ImmSrc are necessary.

ImmSrc[2:0] 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
Type I-type S-type B-type J-type U-type Unoccupied Unoccupied Unoccupied
Extension Operation {{20{Instr[31]}}, Instr[31:20]} {{20{Instr[31]}}, Instr[31:25], Instr[11:7]} {{20{Instr[31]}}, Instr[7], Instr[30:25], Instr[11:8], 1'b0} {{12{Instr[31]}}, Instr[19:12], Instr[20], Instr[30:21], 1'b0} {Instr[31:12], {12{0}}}

In the Extend Unit, mapping the decoded ImmSrc to the appropriate extension operations is straightforward.

Control Unit

The Control Unit is pivotal in determining the control signals based on instructions. It fetches three segments, Opcode, funct3, and func75 from Instr, and a distinct signal Zero from the ALU. These four output signals collectively decide the control signals, determining the operations of other blocks in the processor.

1. Control Unit Overview

The table below presents the control signals corresponding to the 18 instructions implemented in the RV32I CPU design. Each instruction type is distinguished by different colors. Among which, blue columns represent input signals, while grey columns (PCSrc and ALUControl[2:0]) indicate signals requiring two-layer decoding.

Control Signals

Control Signal Table

The Control Unit is formed of three decoders:

  • The Main Decoder utilizes Opcode[5] and funct3 from Instr, decoding most signals and providing inputs for other decoders.
  • The PCSrc Decoder decodes the PCSrc signal using the Branch and Jump signals from the Main Decoder, along with the Zero signal from the ALU.
  • The ALU Decoder decodes the ALUControl[2:0] signal. It receives ALUOp[1:0] from the Main Decoder, as well as Opcode[5], funct3, and func75 from Instr.

The diagram below illustrates the hierarchical relationship among these three decoder units.

Control Unit

Single Cycle Processor Control Unit

"Don't Care" signals are uniquely processed since Verilator does not support them. In practical implementation, all "Don't Care" signals are set to 0. This does not impact the overall result, as these signals aren't expected to occur in any valid situations.

2. ALU Signals

The ALUSrcA, ALUSrcB, ALUOp, and ALUControl signals are categorized as ALU signals.

ALUSrcA and ALUSrcB determine the values for SrcA and SrcB, the input signals to the ALU. The potential inputs for SrcA are PC and RD1, and for SrcB, they are RD2 or ImmExt. The decoding logic is as follows:

  • R-type instructions use RD1 and RD2 respectively for SrcA and SrcB.
  • I-type instructions use RD1 and ImmExt.
  • S-type instructions use RD1 and ImmExt.
  • B-type instructions, which compare two register values, use RD1 and RD2.
  • U-type instructions are more complex:
    • For the LUI instruction, which loads the immediate, SrcA is unused, and SrcB selects ImmExt.
    • The AUIPC instruction uses both PC and ImmExt.
  • J-type instructions do not use SrcA or SrcB, rendering both ALUSrcA and ALUSrcB as "Don't Care"s.

Main Decoder provides an initial logic to generate ALUOp, varying for each instruction type. The association is shown in the following table, where I-type and S-type share the same ALUOp due to similar ALU usage in Load and Store instructions.

Instruction Type I&S B R U J
ALUOp[1:0] 00 01 10 11 XX

The ALU Decoder then deciphers the ALUControl signal, with each value representing a specific operation. A special case is 110, designated for "Select SrcB" and aligning with the LUI instruction's sole selection of the sign-extended immediate.

ALUControl[2:0] 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
ALU Operation Add Subtract AND OR Shift Right XOR Select SrcB Shift Left

3. Register and Memory Signals

ResultSrc, MemWrite, RegWrite, LdSrc, and StSrc are categorized as Register and Memory Signals.

The RV32I design offers three alternatives for the Result signal written to the Register File:

  • For instructions that use ALU, ResultSrc is 00, directly passing the ALU result to the register.
  • For Load instructions that fetch from memory, ResultSrc is 01, writing data from memory to the register.
  • For JAL and JALR instructions, where RD = PC + 4, ResultSrc is 10, and PCPlus4 is written to the register.

MemWrite and RegWrite signals follow straightforward decode logic:

  • MemWrite is set only for Store instructions; otherwise, it is 0.
  • RegWrite is 0 for S-type and B-type instructions, which do not write to the register. When relevant, LdSrc and StSrc act as SELECT bits of the MUX. The decoding logic for the two Load and Store instructions used is simple.

LdSrc operates solely for Load instructions, while StSrc is specific to Store instructions. In other scenarios, their values are considered "Don't Care"s:

  • LdSrc equals 1 for LBU instructions, otherwise indicating LW.
  • StSrc equals 1 for SB instructions, otherwise indicating SW.

4. Jump Signals

Branch, Jump, PCSrc, and JalSrc are categorized as Jump Signals.

Branch and Jump detect whether an instruction is a Jump or Branch type, setting their values to 1 accordingly.

The PCSrc signal indicates if the PC is to be redirected to a specific value. When Jump is 1, so is PCSrc. For B-type Instructions, the Zero signal is also considered: PC is redirected for BEQ only if Zero is True, and for BNE, the opposite applies.

JalSrc is specific to Branch and Jump instructions:

  • Its value is 1 for BEQ, BNE, and JAL, indicating PC added to ImmExt.
  • For JALR, JalSrc is 0, where RS1 is added to ImmExt.

5. Extend Signal

ImmSrc is the sole Extend signal, dictating the extension methodology for the immediate part of the instruction. ImmSrc varies across different instruction types, and its relationship with each type is detailed in the Extend Unit Section, and the table is also attached below. The table below outlines how ImmSrc is assigned based on the instruction type:

ImmSrc[2:0] 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
Type I-type S-type B-type J-type U-type Unoccupied Unoccupied Unoccupied
Extension Operation {{20{Instr[31]}}, Instr[31:20]} {{20{Instr[31]}}, Instr[31:25], Instr[11:7]} {{20{Instr[31]}}, Instr[7], Instr[30:25], Instr[11:8], 1'b0} {{12{Instr[31]}}, Instr[19:12], Instr[20], Instr[30:21], 1'b0} {Instr[31:12], {12{0}}}

Data Memory

Data Memory facilitates the execution of Load and Store instructions. For Load instructions, data from memory written to registers, whereas for Store instructions, data from registers is written to memory.

The diagram below depicts the structure of Load and Store instructions. Load instructions, which are I-type, read data from the memory location RS1 + Imm[11:0] and write it to RD, with funct3 differentiating various Load types. Conversely, Store instructions are S-type, where data from the register RS2 is written to the memory location RS1 + Imm[11:0], and here too, funct3 serves to distinguish among different Store types.


Load & Store Structure, Cited from RV32I ISA

As indicated in the memory map, Data Memory spans from 00000000 to 0001FFFF, necessitating an address length of 17 bits. Adhering to byte-addressing, the data length (DATA_WIDTH) is also set to 8 bits. Consequently, Data Memory comprises a memory array of $(2^{17} = 131072)$ blocks.

For the standard LW (load word) instruction, Data Memory transfers data from memory to register using a little-endian format. The reverse process is applied for the SW (store word) instruction. However, the assembly language also requires the implementation of LBU (load byte unsigned) and SB (store byte). LBU loads the least significant 8 bits, extended to 32 bits without sign extension, into the register. SB alters only the specific memory block addressed by RS1 + Imm[11:0] with the least significant 8 bits of RS2, rather than the entire word.

To facilitate this, two additional control signals, LdSrc and StSrc, are introduced (as detailed in the Control Unit section). These figure out the exact Load or Store instruction being executed, ensuring the correct corresponding operation.

Further, the Single Cycle Data Memory is conceptualized as a primary memory with two auxiliary functional blocks. For Store instructions, data passes through an additional Store block before entering the Memory block. Conversely, for Load instructions, data traverses an extra Load block before being written to registers.

Data Memory


The ALU is responsible for executing arithmetic and logic operations. In our design, it processes two inputs, SrcA and SrcB, to produce the output ALUResult.

A MUX is responsible for selecting the appropriate values for SrcA and SrcB respectively. The possible inputs for SrcA are PC and RD1, while for SrcB, they are RD2 or ImmExt. The control logic governing these selections is detailed in the preceding section.

Within the ALU, the operations are determined by the ALUControl[2:0] signal, as depicted in the table below. The implementation of these operations follows a straightforward logic.

ALUControl[2:0] 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
ALU Operation Add Subtract AND OR Shift Right XOR Select SrcB Shift Left

Top Level Design

The top-level design of the system serves as an integrative platform, combining all submodules and establishing the necessary bus connections, thereby exemplifying the concept of hierarchical design. The top-level design encompasses the following modules:

pc_top              instr_mem       regfile             alu_top 
control_unit        extend          DataMemory          DataMux

Concurrently, assignment statements are utilized to map portions of the bus to specific logic signals. These mappings are highlighted in red in the accompanying diagram.

Assembly Language


A C++ testbench is added to test the sesign. In this section we mainly discuss the testbench for Reference Program. The corresponding testbench incorporates three top-level signals: clk, a0, rst.

In the testbench for the Reference Program, both clk and rst are initialized to a value of 1. Subsequently, at each clock cycle, rst is set to 0, and the value of a0 is dumped to a VCD file. A boolean variable, plot, is used to monitor the status of a0. A non-zero value of a0 denotes the successful completion of the build process, thus plot will enable the plotting on Vbuddy. Furthermore, the program is designed to terminate after a specific number of cycles, which varies depending on the version (either 960 or 1920 cycles).

The testbench for the F1 program differs from that of the Reference Program, details of which are elaborated in the following section.

Shell Script

The shell script employs Verilator to convert Verilog code into C++, which also includes the C++ testbench.

The roles of the shell script are outlined as follows:

  • Clearing out data from previous simulations.
  • Use Verilator to convert Verilog into C++.
  • Build the C++ project.
  • Executing the simulation file.

Assembly Language (F1)

The reference program is designed to build and display the probability distribution function (PDF) for four signals, employing an algorithm structured as Initialisation - Build - Display.

  • During the Initialisation stage, each a1 value (representing a "bin") is reset, preparing the bins for data accumulation.
  • The Build stage involves iterating through the data array. Here, counts are added to respective bins based on the data value, e.g., for a data value of EE, the count in the EE bin is incremented. This stage terminates when the count in any bin reaches max_count or upon completion of the iteration.
  • The Display stage sees the program iterating through the PDF array, loading count numbers into the a0 register, and generating the corresponding output.
# PDF program
.equ base_pdf, 0x100
.equ base_data, 0x10000
.equ max_count, 200
    JAL     ra, init  # jump to init, ra and save position to ra
    JAL     ra, build
    JAL     ra, display
    J       forever

init:       # function to initialise PDF buffer memory 
    LI      a1, 0x100           # loop_count a1 = 256
_loop1:                         # repeat
    ADDI    a1, a1, -1          #     decrement a1
    SB      zero, base_pdf(a1)  #     mem[base_pdf+a1) = 0
    BNE     a1, zero, _loop1    # until a1 = 0

build:      # function to build prob dist func (pdf)
    LI      a1, base_data       # a1 = base address of data array
    LI      a2, 0               # a2 = offset into of data array 
    LI      a3, base_pdf        # a3 = base address of pdf array
    LI      a4, max_count       # a4 = maximum count to terminate
_loop2:                         # repeat
    ADD     a5, a1, a2          #     a5 = data base address + offset
    LBU     t0, 0(a5)           #     t0 = data value
    ADD     a6, t0, a3          #     a6 = index into pdf array
    LBU     t1, 0(a6)           #     t1 = current bin count
    ADDI    t1, t1, 1           #     increment bin count
    SB      t1, 0(a6)           #     update bin count
    ADDI    a2, a2, 1           #     point to next data in array
    BNE     t1, a4, _loop2      # until bin count reaches max

display:    # function send PDF array value to a0 for display
    LI      a1, 0               # a1 = offset into pdf array
    LI      a2, 255             # a2 = max index of pdf array
_loop3:                         # repeat
    LBU     a0, base_pdf(a1)    #   a0 = mem[base_pdf+a1)
    addi    a1, a1, 1           #   incr 
    BNE     a1, a2, _loop3      # until end of pdf array

In the F1 program, a similar algorithm is adopted, structured as Initialisation - Generation Light Up - Countdown. The detailed process is as follows:

  • In the Init section, thresholds are established, including the fixed countdown value.
  • The rst section is responsible for resetting the variables.
  • During the mainloop loop, a 7-bit LFSR (Linear Feedback Shift Register), initialized at 0x7F, is generated.
  • In the light_up loop, the output register a0 incrementally increases from 0000_0000 to 0000_0001, and ultimately to 1111_1111. Following each increment, the program enters the lightdelay loop to perform a fixed-number countdown.
  • The lightdelay and final_random loops conduct countdowns based on a fixed number and a pre-generated random number, respectively.
  • Upon completion of the countdown in final_random, the program returns to the rst section to reinitialize all values.

The algorithm's flow is visually represented in the diagram below, with straight lines illustrating unconditional jumps, and red curves indicating conditional branches.

Assembly Language

F1 Design VS Ref Design

Having tested the Single Cycle design on Reference program, the design is modified to accomodate the F1 program as explained above. There are a few points that differs F1 design from Ref Design.

1. Data Memory

The Reference Program uses load and store instructions such as LW and SB. However, the F1 design omits these instructions, resulting in no data being written to or read from the Data Memory.

This design choice is linked to the method of pseudo-random number generation in the F1 program. Before the trigger signal is asserted, the program iterates through a loop generating random numbers. Once trigger is asserted, a random number is generated.

One alternative could involve pre-generating all random numbers and storing them in the data memory. Subsequently, the program could map the PC value to a specific location in the data memory to read the random number. However, PC would be a constant value at the point where a random number is requested to be loaded. In this case, this approach would transform the random number into a constant, as a fixed one in random number series would exist for a fixed PC.

Another strategy might be to generate a new random number each time PC changes, making the random number a by-product of the varying PC. However, this could significantly increase the program's complexity, an unnecessary complication.

For the data memory of the reference program, the diagram below illustrates the memory organization. The data_array consists of pre-generated values from memory files like sine.mem, while the pdf_array represents the accumulation in each "bin." Separate memory segments are allocated for data_array and pdf_array.

Memory Map Reference Program

Cited from Reference Program

2. Trigger Signal

A significant difference between the F1 Program and Reference Program is the trigger signal. As described in the Project Brief,

The trigger signal is used to initiate the F1 light sequence in the RISC-V.

F1 Overview

RV32I F1 Overview, Cited from Project Brief

In the F1.s assembly program, the t0 register (x5) is used to represent the Trigger signal. At the beginning of the mainloop, its value is compared with the pre-defined s1 register to determine if the trigger signal has been activated, as depicted in the program extract below.

# F1.s
    addi s1, zero, 0x1      /* trigger destination set as 1 */
    addi t0, zero, 0x0      /* t0 is trigger */

    beq  t0, s1, light_up   /* trigger? */

In physical testing, the push-button switch on the Vbuddy functions as the trigger. This is configured in the testbench with the line

top->trigger = vbdFlag();

Additionally, the t0 in is isolated for the representation of trigger signal. Therefore, an extra line is incorporated into to facilitate this:

assign     register[5] = trigger;

The modified is illustrated as the diagram below.

F1 Overview

3. Testbench

As mentioned earlier, the F1 Program employs a distinct testbench from that of the Reference Program. In this testbench, the 32-bit output a0 is transformed into an 8-bit data_out by masking the top 24 bits. Subsequently, the vbdBar() function is invoked to display data_out on the neopixel, which is implemented using the following code snippet

uint32_t value_32bit = top->a0;                               // Display F1 Light, toggle neopixel
uint8_t data_out = static_cast<uint8_t>(value_32bit & 0xFF);  // Masking to get the lowest 8 bits
vbdBar(data_out & 0xFF);

Pipeline Design

Design Overview

Pipelining is a highly useful and widely applied technique in processor design. Through pipelining, performance can be greatly enhanced. Our pipelined processor design divides the single-cycle processor into five stages:

  • F: Fetch Instruction
  • D: Decode
  • E: Execute ALU
  • M: Memory Read and Write
  • W: Write Register

It's worth mentioning that instructions will not necessarily use all of these five stages. Pipelining executes different stages for different instructions in the same cycle. For example, after the first instruction completes the F stage, the second instruction executes its F stage at the same time as the first instruction executes its D stage.

Although this technique seems simple, it also raises problems: data hazards and control hazards can exist. A straightforward way to deal with hazards is to add NOP instructions between the "useful" ones, which can reduce performance. A more advanced method is to introduce a Hazard Unit to implement Forwarding, Stall, and Flush.

The following diagram (modified based on H&H Digital Design and Computer Architecture, RISC-V Edition: RISC-V Edition) illustrates the Pipelined Processor design with a Hazard Unit, as implemented in our project.

The pipelined version is applied to both the F1 Program and the Reference Program.

Pipeline with Hazard Unit

Forwarding Logic

Forwarding is necessary when the result of an instruction is used by subsequent instructions before it has been written to the register. Consider the following program snippet as an example, where the value of s8 needs to be forwarded:

add s8, s4, s5
sub s2, s8, s3
or  s9, s6, s8
and s7, s8, t2

Forwarding can be effectively implemented by integrating MUXes before the ALU to select its operands. In practice, the implementation of this logic can be structured as follows:

if (((Rs1E == RdM) & RegWriteM) & (Rs1E != 0)) ForwardAE = 2'b10;       // Forward from Memory stage 
else if (((Rs1E == RdW) & RegWriteW) & (Rs1E != 0)) ForwardAE = 2'b01;  // Forward from Writeback stage 
else ForwardAE = 2'b00;                                                 // No forwarding (use RF output)

Stall Logic

A Stall is necessary when a subsequent instruction requires data from the destination register of a previous instruction. For instance, in the program below, s7 needs to be stalled. This means that the second line must wait for the first line to finish in order to receive the correct data:

lw  s7, 40(s5)
and s8, s7, t3
or  t2, s6, s7
sub s3, s7, s2

To support stalls, enable inputs (EN) are added to the Fetch and Decode pipeline registers, along with a synchronous reset/clear (CLR) input for the Execute pipeline register. If data needs to be cleared, FlushE is used to flush the data. In practice, the implementation of this logic can be structured as follows:

assign lwStall = ResultSrcE0 & ((Rs1D == RdE)|(Rs2D == RdE)); 
assign StallF = lwStall;
assign StallD = lwStall;

Flush Logic

Flush operations are also useful for addressing control hazards, which occur when a pipelined processor is uncertain about the next instruction to fetch due to an unresolved branch decision. Initially, a prediction is made regarding whether the branch will be taken. If this prediction turns out to be incorrect, the results from the incorrectly predicted path must be discarded, a process known as incurring a branch misprediction penalty.

In practice, the implementation of this logic can be structured as follows:

assign FlushD = PCSrcE;
assign FlushE = lwStall | PCSrcE;

Data Memory Cache Design

Design Overview

In CPU architecture, caches play a crucial role in enabling quick read/write operations, thereby enhancing performance. This is achieved by exploiting two key principles: temporal locality and spatial locality. Temporal locality is based on the assumption that if data is used once, it's likely to be accessed again soon. Conversely, spatial locality posits that when data is accessed, adjacent data is likely to be needed in the near future.

Our project has developed two distinct cache designs: Direct Mapped Cache and 2-Way Associative Cache. Notably, both designs utilize a single word as the block size, focusing primarily on leveraging temporal locality.

Further, as discussed earlier, our F1 program didn't use Data Memory. In this sense, only the Reference Program version using cache is developed.

Direct Mapped Cache


  • Capacity: 8 words

  • Block Size: 1 word

  • Number of Sets: 8

  • Number of Ways: 1

  • Tag_WIDTH: 29 bits

  • Set_WIDTH: 3 bits

    Direct Mapped Cache

Read and Write Policy

  • Read Policy

    • Hit: Data is directly read from the cache.
    • Miss: Data is fetched from memory and then loaded into the cache.

Cache Read Policy
  • Write Policy

    Since a write-through policy is adopted, data is written simultaneously to both the cache and the memory. This approach simplifies implementation but may lead to reduced performance under high write volumes.

Cache Write Policy


  • Overview

    The cache is integrated with the memory system. Since "memory passes data to cache", implementing cache and memory as separate blocks would complicate the configuration where data can be transferred bidirectionally. The design is illustrated in the diagram below.

Cache-Memory Integration
  • Hit Logic

    A hit occurs when the inputTag matches the cache's tag and the valid bit is set to TRUE. The logic can be expressed as:

assign hit = ((tag[inputSet] == inputTag) && (valid[inputSet]));
  • Write Logic

    Write operations realize to SW and SB instructions. In our write-through approach, data is concurrently written to both the cache and memory. This method ensures data consistency between cache and memory but might impact performance under heavy write operations. The design updates the tag and Hit signals simultaneously during write operations, and for Hit cases, the singals remain their previous values.

  • Read Logic

    Read operations realize LW and LBU instructions. They are implemented using a state machine:

    • In the event of a Hit, the next state is from_cache.
    • In the event of a Miss, the next state is from_memory.
    State Machine for Cache Read

    For Miss cases, in addition to updating the tag and Hit, the data is passed from memory to cache.

    Special attention is given to LBU and SW instructions, which involve partial word read/write operations through byte addressing.

    Further, Unlike standard word-aligned addressing, RV32I employs byte addressing. Hence, our design adjusts the bit layout for Set and Tag to accommodate this difference. In the given example, the last two bits of the address are used for byte offset, allowing only 00. However, in our design, it allows for 00, 01, 10, or 11 as possible values.

    Consequently, we allocate the last three bits to Set and the preceding 29 bits to Tag.

2-Way Associative Cache


  • Capacity: 16 words
  • Block Size: 1 word
  • Number of Sets: 8
  • Number of Ways: 2
  • Tag_WIDTH: 29 bits
  • Set_WIDTH: 3 bits

Read and Write Policy

  • Read Policy

    • Hit: Data is directly read from the cache.
    • Miss: Data is fetched from memory and then loaded into the cache.
  • Write Policy

    Adopting a write-through policy, data gets written concurrently to both the cache and the memory. While this method eases implementation, it can potentially diminish performance, especially with a high volume of write operations.


  • Overview

    The 2-way cache is designed with a connection to the data memory and a cache multiplexer. This connection serves to fetch data in the event of a miss during a read operation. Within the cache, each block is equipped with tag and valid components to determine whether the block's content is a hit. When a hit occurs (with hit set to 1), the multiplexer selects the cache's output as the memory stage output. Conversely, when there's a cache miss (hit logic is 0), the output selection opts for the data memory's output, which is then loaded into the cache block. This configuration ensures efficient data retrieval and storage within the memory hierarchy of the system.

  • Hit Logic

    A hit occurs when the inputTag matches the cache's tag and the valid bit is set to TRUE. The logic can be expressed as:

  if ((valid[inputSet][way]) && (tag[inputSet][way] == inputTag)) begin // find the block
  • Least Recently Used

    The lru (Least Recently Used) logic determines which cache way has been more recently accessed. If way 1 is identified as more recently used (indicated by lru=1), this suggests a higher probability of it being accessed again soon, due to temporal locality. Consequently, subsequent write or read operations will target the content in the alternative way, maintaining the same tag and set, but differing in the way used.

  if (LdSrcM && hit) begin
        lru[inputSet] <= !lru[inputSet]; // rest the least used 
  • Write Logic

    Write operations are executed for and SB instructions. In our write-through scheme, data is simultaneously written to both the cache and memory. This approach maintains data consistency between cache and memory, though it may affect performance during intensive write operations. The design involves updating the tag and Hit signals concurrently during these write operations. In instances of a cache hit, these signals retain their previous values.

  • Read Logic

    When a hit occurs, the output is sourced from the cache memory. Conversely, in the event of a miss, data is loaded to the sepcific block in cache from data memory, and the output for the current cycle is derived from this data memory.


Test Instructions

  1. Configure Vbuddy
  • For Windows user, type
ls /dev/ttyUSB*
  • For Mac user, type
ls /dev/tty.u*
  • Copy the name of the USB device
  • Go to rtl/vbuddy.cfg, paste the name, don't forget the line breaks
  1. Go to terminal, type
  1. A .vcd file will be generated while Vbuddy demonstrating the test results

Reference Program

Desired Results

This program aims to generate the probability distribution function (PDF) for four distinct signals. The theoretical PDFs for these signals are depicted as follows:

  • sine.mem: a sine wave signal
  • triangle.mem: a triangular wave signal
  • gaussian.mem: a noise signal with a Gaussian distribution
  • noisy.mem: a noisy sine wave signal

To change the displayed signal, please go to Data Memory and modify the file name on the line

initial $readmemh("sine.mem", data_array, 17'h10000);

Test Results

Reference programme test results:


F1 Program

Desired Results

This program is designed to simulate the F1 light mechanism, as detailed in the previous section:

  • Initially, all 8 lights illuminate simultaneously at a unit step (assumed as 0x8 in our program).
  • Once all 8 lights are lit, the program initiates a random number countdown (we using a 7-bit random number, which may take longer than expected).
  • Upon completion of the countdown, all lights turn off synchronously.

Test Results

Attached below are the test results for SingleCycle_F1. For the results (video & .vcd file) of other branches, refer to the test folders.



Waveform Explained

F1 Waveform


IAC 23autumn Group17 coursework






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