This repository contains the documentation for the napari plugins developed for the Fractal Analytics Platform (
The pre-build documentation is available in the following formats:
The documentation is written in reStructuredText which can be translated into various output formats (e.g. HTML, LaTeX, ...) using Sphinx.
Python 3.7 or later
MiKTeX 2.9 or later (optional)
Note: to generate PDF files a TeX distribution, e.g. MiKTeX, is required.
Required Python packages:
- Sphinx >= 4.0.0
- sphinx-rtd-theme >= 0.5.2
The HTML documentation can be generated using the following commands:
sphinx-build -b html ./src/docs ./docs
The PDF documentation can be generated using the following commands:
mkdir latex-docs
sphinx-build -b latex ./src/docs ./latex-docs
CD ./latex-docs
pdflatex fap_napari_plugins.tex
pdflatex fap_napari_plugins.tex
Given the documentation was build as HTML output and stored in ./docs, it can be directly published as GitHub Pages. Please refer to the GitHub Pages documentation for further details.
This documentation can easily be migrated/adapted into other repositories which already hold related source code in ./src. Following, an example of a common project structure for software with a Sphinx documentation:
+ my-repository
+ .github
| + workflows # GitHub workflows
+ docs # pre-compiled documentation
+ src
| + component-1 # source code for component-1
| + component-2 # source code for component-2
| + docs # source for the documentation
+ tests # unit tests
+ .gitignore
+ ... # project dependend files, e.g. or project.sln
Copyright (c) 2021, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research & University of Zurich. All rights reserved. Licensed under BSD 3-Clause - see ./LICENSE