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RaGe edited this page Jan 16, 2022 · 7 revisions


Block information displayed in wenblok! come from a file in this repository called blocks.json. You can view the file here

Updating blocks

The blocks.json file has to be kept updated as events occur - such as adding new blocks to track, or removing outdated older blocks.

Only @foragerr has access to change this file directly, but anyone with a github account can propose changes to this file that @foragerr can then accept. The GitHub way to suggest changes is by creating a "Pull Request". Below are the steps to create a Pull Request, if you're unfamiliar with that.

Creating a Pull Request

  1. Using your browser go to:
  2. If you're not already logged in, log in to GitHub. You may need to create an account if you don't already have one.
  3. Click on the edit icon:


  1. Note the banner message on the top (GitHub creates a copy of the repository in your account known as a fork, but that's not terribly important right now)


  1. Make changes to the file as necessary. Note the formatting of the existing blocks, the braces {}, commas ,, quotes " and colons : are important.

  2. When done making changes, scroll to the bottom of the page. Write a short message about what the changes are, and click "Propose change"


  1. Review changes and click "Create Pull Request" on the next page


  1. All done! @foragerr will see the Pull Request and accept it the next time they're around, or feel free to ping them on Syvita's discord channel.
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