This package was created as part of an eScience Center "Reproducible Research with R Packages". The contained functions are for demonstration purposes and offer little practical value. (sorry if your search engine sent you here on false promises!). In this they differ fundamentally from the course itself, which was very useful and enjoyable.
Install from Github.
Requires R packages "dbscan" and "plyr". Contains an example data file.
The package has two functions, which require a CSV file with point data, then calculate OPTICS clusters, extract DBSCAN or Xi cluster IDs respectively, add the cluster ID to the data frame, and return it.
Further parameters are the two column numbers that contain the coordinates, and clustering parameters (see dbscan R package for details).
filepath <- system.file("extdata", "addOpticsExample.csv", package = "addOptics")
opticsClusters <- OpticsXtractDBSCAN(filepath, 4, 5, 0.005, 5, 0.004)
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