NOTE: This is quite outdated and not recommended to look at anymore. Recent versions of MD make renaming a whole lot easier.
Description: Command line tool version of MDRenamer for renaming Halo full maps to MD format.
Usage: <input_map> <mod_name> <short_name> <build_number> [output_directory]
Example: python ~/Desktop/Maps/ "Best Mod" bestmod 1
<input_map> The file path to the Halo map file to rename
<mod_name> The user friendly name of the mod. Must be <= 13 characters; truncate if necessary. This is not the same as the name that shows up in the MD database, but the one that shows in the map selection menu in-game.
<short_name> The internal name of the mod that will be used in the outputting filename. Must be all lowercase and >= 1 character(s)
<build_number> The build number of the mod which is also used in the outputting filename. This should be increased before any sort of public or private distribution. Must be an integer >= 1
[output_directory] The directory to output the new MD renamed map in. This is optional and defaults to the directory <input_map> is in.
Additional Constraints:
string_length(<short_name>) + string_length(<build_number>) < 13
System Requirements:
- Python 2.7.x or 3.x (check python --version in a terminal)
See also: