Asset files for the simple extensions of this folder (not the ones that have its own folder).
Different behaviors to attach to classes.
Gives the user a JS alert and then redirects it to another page. Useful to give a notice that the entry was updated before sending the user to the list page.
[Depends on: ImageCropper
Model behavior. Add support to image field(s) to a model, with thumbnails and etc.
Model behavior. Adds named scopes and methods to toggle a status field.
Easily create snippets from fields of a model.
Add to a form to make easier to upload a video. I can't remember exactly how this works at the time I'm writing this to make a better explanation.
Add to models that handle YouTube videos. I can't remember exactly how this works at the time I'm writing this to make a better explanation.
Collection of useful methods.
Useful methods to work with arrays.
Useful methods to work with date and time.
Adds support to TinyMCE text fields - full WYSIWYG editor.
Extensions to handle all kind of Google thing, like videos, calendar, photos, docs, geo, etc
Used by Gdata.
[Used by behaviors/HasImage
Resizes and crops an image.
A ButtonColumn with pipes (|) between each option
A var_dump for models that shows its attributes and relations too.
Extension to crypt and decrypt things.