Projeto que coleta dados sobre vacinação no Brasil e divulga em um website. | Project to collect Brazil vaccination data and presents in website.
A proposta do projeto é apresentar, de maneira simples e direta, os dados de vacinação do Brasil e do mundo. Os dados são coletados do portal Our World In Data e armazenados em um banco de dados próprio da aplicação. Estes dados são coletados com um intervalo de 8 horas, resultando em três coletas por dia.
The project purpose is, in the simple way, present the data about vaccination in Brazil and in the World. The data are collected from Our World In Data and stored in the application's database. This data are collected considering an 8 hours interval - three collects per day.
O projeto utiliza basicamente serviços AWS Serverless. Está dividido em três partes:
- Data Extract
- Utiliza uma função AWS Lambda extrair os dados da fonte e armazená-los no serviço AWS DynamoDB.
- Linguagem Python 3.8 e biblioteca Pandas.
- Utiliza o serviço AWS API Gateway para servir endpoints. Estes endpoints são resolvidos por funções AWS Lambda que consultam os dados no AWS DynamoDB.
- NodeJS 12.x
- Brasil Vacinado Web
- Projeto Web responsável por apresentar os dados coletados. Hospedado no serviço AWS S3 e servido por meio do serviço AWS CloudFront (CDN)
- JavaScript e VueJS 3
Todo o projeto foi desenvolvido utilizando templates de infraestrutura como código, como AWS SAM - Serverless Application Model e CloudFormation.
The project basically uses Serverless AWS Services. Is divided into three parts:
- Data Extract
- Uses a AWS Lambda Function to extract the data from the source and store them in AWS DynamoDB.
- Python 3.8 language and Pandas library.
- Uses the AWS API Gateway service to serve endpoints. These endpoints are resolved by AWS Lambda Functions that get the data from AWS DynamoDB.
- NodeJS 12.x.
- Web App - Brasil Vacinado
- Web app responsible for present the collected data. The app are hosted on AWS S3 service and served by AWS CloudFront (CDN).
- JavaScript and VueJS 3.
The whole project was developed using infrastructure as a code templates, like AWS SAM - Serverless Application Model and CloudFormation.
- Python 3.8
- NodeJS 12.x
- AWS CLI v2
- AWS SAM - Serverless Application Model CLI
- Docker
- Nginx (Local tests)
To create a DynamoDB Container for local tests, run the command below
docker-compose up -d dynamo
To create local DynamoDB tables, install the NoSQL Workbench tool from AWS.
- Open NoSQL Workbench, launch Amazon DynamoDB.
- Go to Data Modeler menu item.
- Import the file
- Go to Visualizer menu item, click in Commit to Amazon DynamoDB
- Create a local connection using hostname as
and port8000
AWS / Remote
Run the command, answer the questions and save a file named
. Important: The stack name defined will be used as parameter to another stacks. Save the stack name or log in your AWS account and check the stack name in AWS CloudFormation service.sam deploy -t dynamodb.yml --guided
This command will deploy the DynamoDB database. The next times you could use the
file instead--guided
parameter. Use--config-file dynamodb.toml
for this.
We need to use Docker to generate the files that are used by Pandas layer on AWS Lambda function
Go to folder lib
inside data-extract
cd data-extract/lib/
Run the commands below:
docker build . -t pandas-layer
docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/data" pandas-layer cp -r /packages/pandas-python-3.8/ /data
The files for Pandas were generated. Back to data-extract
folder and run the build:
cd ..
sam build -t ./lambda.yml
Run the command below to invoke the function locally
sam local invoke BrasilVacinadoDataExtractFunction -t ./lambda.yml --env-vars env.json --docker-network brasilvacinado-backend
AWS / Remote
Run the following commands, answer the questions and save a file named
:sam deploy -t lambda.yml --guided
This command will deploy the lambda function to extract the data. The next times you could use the
file instead--guided
parameter. Use--config-file lambda.toml
for this.
Go to the folder api
cd api/
Run the command:
npm install
sam build
Run the command below to start a REST API locally at
sam local start-api --docker-network brasilvacinado-backend --env-vars env.json
AWS / Remote
Run the command below for deploy the API Gateway to AWS:
sam deploy
Go to the brasilvacinadoweb
cd brasilvacinadoweb/
Run the command:
npm install
Run the command
npm run serve
to start a local server serving the application.Run the command
nginx -c nginx.conf
. This command starts a reverse proxy for frontend requests reach your Local Lambda API started at the last step.Access the address
Run the command
npm run build
. A folder nameddist
will be created. You could serve the application using your preferred server.