No major fixes in Okapi iself. Mostly just updates for dependency libraries.
- OKAPI-1074 Vert.x 4.2.5
- OKAPI-1069 Remove Hazelcast dependency
- OKAPI-1066 Filter require=version does not work with multiple versions
- OKAPI-1063 Log4j 2.17.1
- OKAPI-1072 Additional tracing info of module acticvation
- OKAPI-1068 Asynchronous Loggers (Log4j2 + Disruptor)
- OKAPI-1065 Allow Okapi to consider preRelease and npmSnapshot only
- OKAPI-1064 Install enable=enable with purge
- OKAPI-1062 Add OkapiToken.getPayloadWithoutValidation
- OKAPI-1045 Discovery via Kubernetes API
- OKAPI-902 Update log4j2 configuration in Debian package
- OKAPI-662 Enhance install endpoint to report all version incompatible issues (not just the first)
Okapi versions >= 4.13.0 make a different order of modules during install as part of OKAPI-662 work. This is not an error, as multiple orders are ok as far as interface dependencies are concerned. Module mod-data-export-spring < 1.3.0 may break because of this. See MODEXPS-67. For this reason do not use this Okapi version unless you have also updated mod-data-export-spring to >= 1.3.0.