It's a distributed web crawler that uses to coordinate work, written in Go.
- CouchDB 1.x (tested on 1.6.1)
- gnatsd
Build the two workers
go build -tags=fetcherExec -o fetcher fetcher.go && \
go build -tags=extractorExec -o extractor extractor.go
- Setup couchdb with at least one admin user, you can follow the instructions here
- create a file
and place it in your$HOME
Sample .couchdb.json
{ "user": "user-here", "password": "super-secret-password", "url": "http://localhost:5984/owl-crawler" }
- create a file
and place it in your$HOME
Sample .gnatsd.json
"URL": "nats://owlcrawler:[email protected]:4222"
- Start gnatsd with a user and password (use a config file, but for a quick test you can pass parameters):
~/gnatsd --user owlcrawler --pass natsd_password
./extractor -logtostderr=true -v=3
./fetcher -logtostderr=true -v=3
cd webapp
go build && ./webapp -alsologtostderr=true
cd webapp
grunt serve