Responsive Email Templates for WHMCS includes embedded css styles that are necessary for certain services such as, and webmail. It is fully responsive and free to use under the GNU Public License. Please feel free to fork this project and submit issues and feature requests.
- General Messages
- Invoice Messages
- Domain Messages
- Admin Messages
- Product / Service Messages
- Inline CSS
- Table Layouts
- Seperate Stylesheet
- Tested in Thunderbird, Gmail, Roundcube
- Copy Stylesheet to Settings => General => Email => Stylesheet
- Copy header.tpl content to Settings => General => Email => Header
- Coy footer.tpl content to Settings => General => Email => footer
- Edit every message and replace its content with all the various *.tpl file's content.
You are free to use or modify however you wish. See license details for more information.
[] Gmail Actions