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OSM Sidecar Driver
Sidecar代理控制平面是OSM关键组件之一,为sidecar提供持续的配置更新的服务,实现相应的sidecar规范的接口。OSM的Sidecar代理控制平面基于Envoy’s go-control-plane xDS v3 API实现,同envoy强绑定。引入Sidecar驱动的概念,实现Sidecar代理控制平面同Envoy解耦,提供更广泛的Sidecar接入能力。
// Driver is an interface that must be implemented by a sidecar driver.
// Patch method is invoked by osm-injector and Start method is invoked by osm-controller
type Driver interface {
Patch(ctx context.Context) error
Start(ctx context.Context) (health.Probes, error)
// HealthProbes is to serve as an indication how to probe the sidecar driver's health status
type HealthProbes struct {
liveness, readiness, startup *HealthProbe
// HealthProbe is an API endpoint to indicate the current status of the sidecar driver.
type HealthProbe struct {
path string
port int32
http bool
timeout time.Duration
tcpSocket bool
当一个POD被部署时,OSM Injector启动时注册的webhook将为这个POD做注入配置,例如为Sidecar创建证书,设置Labels、Annotations、Metrics等;然后webhook调用Patch方法, 这个方法需实现:
type InjectorContext struct {
Pod *corev1.Pod
MeshName string
OsmNamespace string
PodNamespace string
PodOS string
ProxyCommonName certificate.CommonName
ProxyUUID uuid.UUID
Configurator configurator.Configurator
KubeClient kubernetes.Interface
BootstrapCertificate *certificate.Certificate
ContainerPullPolicy corev1.PullPolicy
InboundPortExclusionList []int
OutboundPortExclusionList []int
OutboundIPRangeInclusionList []string
OutboundIPRangeExclusionList []string
OriginalHealthProbes HealthProbes
DryRun bool
OSM Controller启动时调用这个Start方法,这个方法需实现:
1.一个Sidecar proxy控制平面服务,将相关SMI的流量策略封装成Sidecar需要的格式
type ControllerContext struct {
ProxyServerPort uint32
ProxyServiceCert *certificate.Certificate
OsmNamespace string
KubeConfig *rest.Config
Configurator configurator.Configurator
MeshCatalog catalog.MeshCataloger
CertManager certificate.Manager
MsgBroker *messaging.Broker
DebugHandlers map[string]http.Handler
CancelFunc func()
Stop chan struct {
background := driver.InjectorContext{
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(&background)
defer cancel()
background := driver.ControllerContext{
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(&background)
defer cancel()
background.CancelFunc = cancel
parentCtx := ctx.Value(&driver.InjectorCtxKey)
if parentCtx == nil {
return nil, errors.New("missing Injector Context")
injCtx := parentCtx.(*driver.InjectorContext)
parentCtx := ctx.Value(&driver.ControllerCtxKey)
if parentCtx == nil {
return nil, errors.New("missing Controller Context")
ctrlCtx := parentCtx.(*driver.ControllerContext)
var (
driversMutex sync.RWMutex
drivers = make(map[string]driver.Driver)
engineDriver driver.Driver
// Register makes a sidecar driver available by the provided name.
// If Register is called twice with the same name or if driver is nil,
// it panics.
func Register(name string, driver driver.Driver) {
defer driversMutex.Unlock()
if driver == nil {
panic("sidecar: Register driver is nil")
if _, dup := drivers[name]; dup {
panic("sidecar: Register called twice for driver " + name)
drivers[name] = driver
// Patch is an adapter method for InjectorDriver.Patch
func Patch(ctx context.Context) error {
defer driversMutex.RUnlock()
if engineDriver == nil {
return errors.New("sidecar: unknown driver (forgot to init?)")
return engineDriver.Patch(ctx)
// Start is an adapter method for ControllerDriver.Start
func Start(ctx context.Context) (health.Probes, error) {
defer driversMutex.RUnlock()
if engineDriver == nil {
return nil, errors.New("sidecar: unknown driver (forgot to init?)")
return engineDriver.Start(ctx)
// InitDriver is to serve as an indication of the using sidecar driver
func InitDriver(driverName string) error {
defer driversMutex.Unlock()
registeredDriver, ok := drivers[driverName]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("sidecar: unknown driver %q (forgotten import?)", driverName)
engineDriver = registeredDriver
return nil
// EnvoySidecarDriver is the envoy sidecar driver
type EnvoySidecarDriver struct {
ctx *driver.ControllerContext
// Start is the implement for ControllerDriver.Start
func (sd EnvoySidecarDriver) Start(ctx context.Context) (health.Probes, error) {
parentCtx := ctx.Value(&driver.ControllerCtxKey)
if parentCtx == nil {
return nil, errors.New("missing Controller Context")
ctrlCtx := parentCtx.(*driver.ControllerContext)
ctrlCtx.DebugHandlers["/debug/proxy"] = sd.getProxies(proxyRegistry)
ctrlCtx.DebugHandlers["/debug/xds"] = sd.getXDSHandler(xdsServer)
import (
_ "github.com/openservicemesh/osm/pkg/sidecar/providers/envoy/driver"
_ "github.com/openservicemesh/osm/pkg/sidecar/providers/pipy/driver"
const (
driverName = `pipy`
func init() {
sidecar.Register(driverName, new(PipySidecarDriver))
cfg := configurator.NewConfigurator(...)
err = sidecar.InstallDriver(cfg.GetSidecarClass())
if err != nil {
events.GenericEventRecorder().FatalEvent(err, events.InitializationError, "Error creating sidecar driver")
func (wh *mutatingWebhook) createPatch(pod *corev1.Pod, req *admissionv1.AdmissionRequest, proxyUUID uuid.UUID) ([]byte, error) {
background := driver.InjectorContext{
Pod: pod,
MeshName: wh.meshName,
OsmNamespace: wh.osmNamespace,
PodNamespace: namespace,
PodOS: podOS,
ProxyCommonName: cn,
ProxyUUID: proxyUUID,
Configurator: wh.configurator,
KubeClient: wh.kubeClient,
BootstrapCertificate: bootstrapCertificate,
ContainerPullPolicy: wh.osmContainerPullPolicy,
InboundPortExclusionList: inboundPortExclusionList,
OutboundPortExclusionList: outboundPortExclusionList,
OutboundIPRangeInclusionList: outboundIPRangeInclusionList,
OutboundIPRangeExclusionList: outboundIPRangeExclusionList,
OriginalHealthProbes: originalHealthProbes,
DryRun: req.DryRun != nil && *req.DryRun,
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(&background)
defer cancel()
if err = sidecar.Patch(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
return json.Marshal(makePatches(req, pod))
func main() {
background := driver.ControllerContext{
ProxyServerPort: cfg.GetProxyServerPort(),
ProxyServiceCert: proxyServiceCert,
OsmNamespace: osmNamespace,
KubeConfig: kubeConfig,
Configurator: cfg,
MeshCatalog: meshCatalog,
CertManager: certManager,
MsgBroker: msgBroker,
DebugHandlers: make(map[string]http.Handler),
Stop: stop,
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(&background)
defer cancel()
background.CancelFunc = cancel
// Create and start the sidecar proxy service
healthProbes, err := sidecar.Start(ctx)
if err != nil {
events.GenericEventRecorder().FatalEvent(err, events.InitializationError, "Error initializing proxy control server")
// Health/Liveness probes
funcProbes := []health.Probes{healthProbes, smi.HealthChecker{DiscoveryClient: clientset.Discovery()}}
// Create DebugServer and start its config event listener.
// Listener takes care to start and stop the debug server as appropriate
debugConfig := debugger.NewDebugConfig(certDebugger, meshCatalog, kubeConfig, kubeClient, cfg, k8sClient, msgBroker)
go debugConfig.StartDebugServerConfigListener(background.DebugHandlers, stop)
// SidecarDriverSpec is the type to represent OSM's sidecar driver define.
type SidecarDriverSpec struct {
// SidecarClass defines the class used for the proxy sidecar.
SidecarClass string `json:"sidecarClass,omitempty"`
// SidecarImage defines the container image used for the proxy sidecar.
SidecarImage string `json:"sidecarImage,omitempty"`
// SidecarWindowsImage defines the windows container image used for the proxy sidecar.
SidecarWindowsImage string `json:"SidecarImageWindowsImage,omitempty"`
// InitContainerImage defines the container image used for the init container injected to meshed pods.
InitContainerImage string `json:"initContainerImage,omitempty"`
// SidecarDrivers defines the sidecar supported.
SidecarDrivers []SidecarDriverSpec `json:"sidecarDrivers,omitempty"`
type SidecarDriverSpec struct {
// SidecarName defines the name of the sidecar driver.
SidecarName string `json:"sidecarName,omitempty"`
// SidecarImage defines the container image used for the proxy sidecar.
SidecarImage string `json:"sidecarImage,omitempty"`
// SidecarWindowsImage defines the windows container image used for the proxy sidecar.
SidecarWindowsImage string `json:"SidecarImageWindowsImage,omitempty"`
// InitContainerImage defines the container image used for the init container injected to meshed pods.
InitContainerImage string `json:"initContainerImage,omitempty"`
// ProxyServerPort is the port on which the Discovery Service listens for new connections from Sidecars
ProxyServerPort uint32 `json:"proxyServerPort"`
// SidecarDisabledMTLS defines whether mTLS is disabled.
SidecarDisabledMTLS bool `json:"sidecarDisabledMTLS"`
# -- The class of the OSM Sidecar Driver
sidecarClass: pipy
# -- Sidecar image for Linux workloads
sidecarImage: flomesh/pipy-nightly:latest
# -- Sidecar drivers supported by osm
- sidecarName: pipy
# -- Sidecar image for Linux workloads
sidecarImage: flomesh/pipy-nightly:latest
# -- Remote destination port on which the Discovery Service listens for new connections from Sidecars.
proxyServerPort: 6060
- sidecarName: envoy
# -- Sidecar image for Linux workloads
sidecarImage: envoyproxy/envoy:v1.19.3
# -- Sidecar image for Windows workloads
sidecarWindowsImage: envoyproxy/envoy-windows:latest
# -- Remote destination port on which the Discovery Service listens for new connections from Sidecars.
proxyServerPort: 15128
// GetSidecarImage returns the sidecar image
func (c *client) GetSidecarImage() string {
image := c.getMeshConfig().Spec.Sidecar.SidecarImage
if len(image) == 0 {
sidecarClass := c.getMeshConfig().Spec.Sidecar.SidecarClass
sidecarDrivers := c.getMeshConfig().Spec.Sidecar.SidecarDrivers
for _, sidecarDriver := range sidecarDrivers {
if strings.EqualFold(strings.ToLower(sidecarClass), strings.ToLower(sidecarDriver.SidecarName)) {
image = sidecarDriver.SidecarImage
if len(image) == 0 {
image = os.Getenv("OSM_DEFAULT_SIDECAR_IMAGE")
return image
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: preset-mesh-config
namespace: {{ include "osm.namespace" . }}
preset-mesh-config.json: |
"sidecar": {
"enablePrivilegedInitContainer": {{.Values.osm.enablePrivilegedInitContainer | mustToJson}},
"logLevel": {{.Values.osm.sidecarLogLevel | mustToJson}},
"maxDataPlaneConnections": {{.Values.osm.maxDataPlaneConnections | mustToJson}},
"configResyncInterval": {{.Values.osm.configResyncInterval | mustToJson}},
"sidecarClass": {{.Values.osm.sidecarClass | mustToJson }},
"sidecarDrivers": {{.Values.osm.sidecarDrivers | mustToJson }}