Create a Scoreboard Interface to listen to updates from FinishLynx
Edit Cloud Build trigger by updating _FLO_NPM_TOKEN with a valid github personal access token. Update version in package.json Merge changes to master branch
Use "npm run build" to create dist version of example.js Open terminal and cd to "lynx-scoreboard\dist" Run command "node example.js"
const scoreboard = await LynxScoreboard.listen({
port: 8080,
ip: "",
if (scoreboard.isListening) {
console.log("I am listening!");
scoreboard.subscribe("error", (err) => {
console.log(`Uh oh! There was an error: ${err}`);
scoreboard.subscribe("results", (data) => {
`Received ${data.results.length} results from ${data.event.eventName}`
scoreboard.subscribe("directive", (data) => {
console.log(`Received directive: ${data.title}`);
scoreboard.subscribe("stoppedListening", () => {
console.log(`I stopped listening!`);
// Stop listening after 10 seconds
setTimeout(() => scoreboard.stopListening(), 10000);