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AddAlphaChannel[image] adds a unity alpha channel to image.
ApplyIf[f,g,x] applies g to x if f[x] is True.
BlurFaces[image] blurs faces in image. Options include Method (Box,Disk,Outline,Eyes,FaceParts) and FilterRadius.
ConceptBroaden[entity,depth] recursively climbs the Concept hierarchy until it hits the terminal Concept 'Entity' or after depth dives. Returns a list of Broader Concepts at each level.
ConceptDepth[entity] computes the distance to the root of the Entity tree.
ConceptDistance[entitya,entityb] determines the distance in 'concept steps' between concept a and b.
EntityPropertiesDataset[entity] does its best to list all the properties associated with the entity object supplied.
FindFaceImages[image,scale] finds images in an image, scaling the returned image by scale (default 1). Larger values provide more context, smaller less.
FindZeroCrossings[list] returns pairs that indicate zero-crossing locations in list.
GACrossover[c1,c2] performs a random crossover of c1 & c2. Returns two offspring.
GAMutate[chromo] mutates a chromosome.
GARepopulate[pop,fitfunc] creates a new population using fitfunc.
GetSymbolsDefinedInMX[mxfile] returns a list of symbols defined in mxfile.
ImageIdentifyFP[image,{n}] does the standard image identify returnig n (default 5) items and its probabilities.
ImportAsDataset[f] imports f and uses the first row as column headers. Default options are "Headers"->True, "RowNames"->False, "ImportOptions->None"
ImportMP4Frame[file,frame] extracts frame frame
from MP4 file file
ImportMP4Frames[file,start,dur] extracts frames from start of dur from MP4 file file
ImportWebFrame[url] grabs a frame from the stream at url.
LensDistortionCorrection[image,{tx,ty},theta,{p1,p1},{k1,k2,k3...}] performs a lens distortion correction along with a generalized translation (t) and rotation (theta). p1 and p2 specify 1st order astygmatism and k1-6 the different orders of distortion beyond that. Note you only need to supply k's up to the desired order of correction.
LensDistortPoint[{x,y},{p1,p2},{k1,...}] projects point x,y using the distortion specified in the p and k vectors.
NewKernelEvaluate[expr] evaluates expr in a fresh, clean kernel and returns the result.
PropertiesAvailability[object] returns the {available, unavailable} properties for an object.
PropertiesDataset[object] returns a TableForm of the available properties for object.
RectangleToDisk[rect] takes a rectangle and returns an equivalent disk.
Spelunk[symbol] will discover the definition of symbol. Underlined symbols in the output are clickable.
UnitizedGaussian[mu,sigma] gives a pure function of a PDF whose value at the mean = 1.0.
UpdatePacletFile[ppath,vpath] writes a new PacletInfo file based on the current version and build in the FP version.json system.
VersionBuildString[path] returns the current build number as a string.
VersionBumpBuild[path] updates the build number in the version json file.
VersionInformation[path] gives an association with my primitive home grown versioning system.
VersionString[path] returns the current build as a string. the option "Build->True" adds the build number to the end of the string.
VersionWriteInformation[path,vi] takes a version information structure and writes it out. At this point it doesn't validate its structure.
$FFMpegPath is the path to the ffmpeg
$FPToolsDebug let's us know if the package was built with any debugging tools.
$FPToolsVersion gives its best guess as to the version we're using.
$MachineAddressesExternal gives the IP address of this machine as seen by the outside world.
It's chaos...be kind.