Light, flexible and performant Data Grid for AngularJS apps, with built-in sorting, pagination and filtering options, unified API for client-side and server-side data fetching, seamless synchronization with browser address bar and total freedom in mark-up and styling suitable for your application. Angular 1.3 - 1.6 compliant.
Demo Bootstrap:
Demo Material:
Demo 100k:
Demo Angular UI Router:
- Does not have any hard-coded template so you can choose any mark-up you need, from basic
layout to any<div>
structure. - Easily switch between the most popular Bootstrap and Google Material theming, or apply your own CSS theme just by changing several CSS classes.
- Built-in sync with browser address bar (URL), so you can copy-n-paste sorting/filtering/pagination results URL and open it in other browser / send to anyone - even if pagination / filtering are done on a client-side. See details
- Support of Angular UI Router navigation.
- Optional support of fixed header table: Bootstrap Demo Material Design Demo
- Unlike most part of other Angular DataGrids, we intentionally use non-isolated scope of the directive to maximize flexibility, so it can be easily synchronized with any data changes inside your controller. NOTE! With great power comes great responsibility, so use non-isolated API wisely.
Using Bower: bower install angular-data-grid
Using NPM: npm install angular-data-grid
Direct download: get ZIP archive from here
Then use files from dist folder (see below).
- Include scripts in you application:
(include the second one only if you need pagination).
<script src=""></script>
<script src="bower_components/angular-data-grid/dist/pagination.min.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/angular-data-grid/dist/dataGrid.min.js"></script>
- Inject dataGrid dependency in your module.
angular.module('myApp', ['dataGrid', 'pagination'])
- Initialize grid with additional options in your controller. To do that, add
directive to element and pass 2 required parametersgrid-options
<div grid-data grid-options="gridOptions" grid-actions="gridActions">
<!-- sample table layout goes below, but remember that you can you any mark-up here. -->
<table class="table">
<th sortable="code" class="sortable">
Order #
<th sortable="placed" class="sortable">
Date Placed
<th sortable="purchaseOrderNumber" class="sortable">
Purchase Order #
<th sortable='total.value' class="sortable">
<tr grid-item>
<td ng-bind="item.code"></td>
<td ng-bind="item.placed | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'"></td>
<td ng-bind="item.purchaseOrderNumber"></td>
<td ng-bind=""></td>
$scope.gridOptions = {
data: [], //required parameter - array with data
//optional parameter - start sort options
sort: {
predicate: 'companyName',
direction: 'asc'
NOTE: grid-item
wrapper directive used in the example above, to make code more concise, but you can always use regular ng-repeat
instead, like: ng-repeat="item in filtered | startFrom:(paginationOptions.currentPage-1)*paginationOptions.itemsPerPage | limitTo:paginationOptions.itemsPerPage track by $index"
: object in your controller with start options for grid. You must create this object with at least 1 required parameter - data.grid-actions
: object in your controller with functions for updating grid. You can pass string or create empty object in controller. Use this object for calling methods of directive:sort()
.- Inside
directive you can usepagination
directive. - If you need get size of current displayed items you can use
- For client-side pagination/filtering to fetch all data at once: just assign
to any JSON array object.
$scope.gridOptions = {
data: [], //required parameter - array with data
- For server side pagination/filtering to fetch data by page:
- add attribute 'server-pagination'=true on element on which you applied directive 'grid-data'
- assign
method to some function with URL params as 1st parameter and data itself as 2d parameter:
$scope.gridOptions = {
getData: getServerData,
function getServerData(params, callback) {
$http.get(contextPath + '/some/list' + params).then(function (response) {
var data =,
totalItems =;
callback(data, totalItems);
To enable sorting, just add attribute sortable
to your table headers. This will specify the property name you want to sort by.
Also you can add class sortable
to display acs/decs arrows.
<th sortable="code" class="sortable">
Order #
<th sortable="placed" class="sortable">
Date Placed
$scope.gridOptions = {
data: [], //required parameter - array with data
//optional parameter - start sort options
sort: {
predicate: 'companyName',
direction: 'asc'
You can optionally use grid-pagination
directive to display paging with previous/next and first/last controls.
Directive is built on a base of excellent Angular UI component and shares extensive API:
<pagination max-size="5" boundary-links="true"
ng-if="paginationOptions.totalItems > paginationOptions.itemsPerPage"
Settings can be provided as attributes in the or globally configured through the paginationConfig
: ng-change can be used together with ng-model to call a function whenever the page changes.
: Current page number. First page is 1.
: Used to disable the pagination component
: Total number of items in all pages.
(Defaults: 10) : Maximum number of items per page. A value less than one indicates all items on one page.
(Defaults: null) : Limit number for pagination size.
readonly (Defaults: angular.noop) : An optional expression assigned the total number of pages to display.
(Defaults: true) : Whether to keep current page in the middle of the visible ones.
(Default: true) : Whether to display Previous / Next buttons.
(Default: 'Previous') : Text for Previous button.
(Default: 'Next') : Text for Next button.
(Default: false) : Whether to display First / Last buttons.
(Default: 'First') : Text for First button.
(Default: 'Last') : Text for Last button.
(Default: 'template/pagination/pagination.html') : Override the template for the component with a custom provided template
Data Grid supports 4 built-in types of filters: text
, select
, dateFrom
and dateTo
To use it, add attribute filter-by
to any element and pass property name, which you want to be filtered.
Also you need add attribute filter-type
with type of filter.
After that you need call filter()
method in ng-change
for text or select inputs and in ng-blur/ng-focus
for datepickers.
Filters are synchronized with URL by ng-model
<input type="text" class="form-control order-search-box"
placeholder="Search By Order #"
If you need to use some custom filters (e.g. filter by first letter), add filter-by
to specify property name, which you want filtering and add ng-model
Then create in gridOptions.customFilters
variable named as ng-model
with filtering function. Filtering function accepts items, value, predicate arguments and returns filtered array.
$scope.gridOptions = {
data: [],
customFilters: {
startFrom: function (items, value, predicate) {
return items.filter(function (item) {
return value && item[predicate] ? !item[predicate].toLowerCase().indexOf(value.toLowerCase()) : true;
You can disable/enable URL synchronization for the whole grid or on a level of particular filter.
Global parameter gridOptions.urlSync
(boolean, default is 'false') works for the whole grid.
Each filter has optional parameter disable-url
(boolean, default is 'false'). If you set it to true, URL-synchronization for this particular filter will be disabled.
If you need to use 2 or more grids on page, please add id
to grids, and then use grid-id
attribute on filters to specify their corresponding grid. Example
- Migrate to Heroku
- Cover with unit / e2e tests
- Port to Angular2?