easyNWK v2.0.3
- (feature) add alter with double click on map #61
- (feature) close alter edit mode with double click on map #45
- (feature) rectangle to select multiple alters on map and fully connect/disconnect them
- (usability) Escape key closes edit alter form and optionally cancels add alter #97
- (usability) alter symbols are drawn on top of everything else (esp. alter names) #64
- (bugfix) print view network map in color #47
- (bugfix) double click works within edit alter location
- (security) large update of libraries
What's Changed
- Feature map click by @julia221501 in #89
- Bugfix escape deletes alteri #97 by @alex-rind in #99
- Bump loader-utils from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 by @dependabot in #107
- Feature brush and connect cluster by @alex-rind in #100
Full Changelog: v2.0.2...v2.0.3