atom is a web-based CRUD-Tool.<br> The Metadata = Data-Structure can be defined centrally in the sub-project atom-domain. An example of such a definition can be found here:
These data-structures are persisted by hibernate into a relational database. The connection information needs to be entered here:
The GWT web-frontend is written in a generic way that can work with arbitrary data-structures. It accesses those through a ReflectionEmulator generated at compile time using JDT AST.
There's a live demo (with only one defined demo DomainObject "Message") you can look at here:
and yes there are a lot of german strings in there (since our users are german speakers) but they can easily be translated by adapting and / or:
The motivation of this project is to allow easy data management of data with quickly evolving data structures. This is achieved by eliminating the need to manually propagate changing metadata through all tiers. The developer only needs to change the structure in one place, the "domain object" classes.
I've wrote up a developer setup guide you can find in the wiki tab here on this github page:
(As you can see, I have not pushed any updates in a long time. This is not because development stopped, but because I don't see a point doing that work if as it looks to me right now nobody cares anyway. If sombody might stumble upon this repository who is actually interested in looking at the latest version of my project, just contact me by mail or enter an issue in githubs issue tracker here)
If you've got any questions, feel free to contact me by email: <br> thomas dot kaefer at fh minus campuswien dot ac dot at