Set site id explicitly to avoid drift #15
GitHub Actions / Plan
Feb 3, 2024 in 0s
0 to add, 2 to change, 0 to destroy
Terraform Plan
Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution
plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
~ update in-place
Terraform will perform the following actions:
# module.supernode[0].netbox_virtual_machine.supernode will be updated in-place
~ resource "netbox_virtual_machine" "supernode" {
~ custom_fields = {
- "proxmox_vm_id" = "" -> null
id = "59"
name = "supernode-dev-0"
tags = []
# (12 unchanged attributes hidden)
# module.supernode[1].netbox_virtual_machine.supernode will be updated in-place
~ resource "netbox_virtual_machine" "supernode" {
~ custom_fields = {
- "proxmox_vm_id" = "" -> null
id = "60"
name = "supernode-dev-1"
tags = []
# (12 unchanged attributes hidden)
Plan: 0 to add, 2 to change, 0 to destroy.