Preludium is game template project for Godot to make it easier to bootstrap new games with some common features already implemented and best practices applied.
🚨 This still a work in progress project and is still pending some more features and better documentation.
- Load Scene Manager and loading screen to be shown when changing between game scenes
- UI sample screens and modal screens
- Screens: loading, main menu and game screen
- Modal screens: pause and settings
- Game Configuration resource to hold common game and developer configurations
- Settings Manager to persist user settings
- Window Helper to have a custom window tool for handy developer shorcuts like to quickly change between game screens
- Main theme to have a common style across UI elements
- Tests with GUT
- Github Actions to:
- Run tests
- Build and deploy to
- If tests fail, the build will not be deployed
- Automatically detect and updates project version based on git tags
- ...
- scene lifecycle (game_entrypoint -> initial_bootstrap -> main_menu -> game)
- required settings in github project
- set repostitory secrets for Github Actions
- set write permissios (Settings > Actions > General) to be able to create version commit
- ...
- add linter as a precommit and also to CI (if linter fails, the build will not be deployed)
- audio buses for music and sfx + persist to user settings
- custom logger
- seed manager
- object pool
- integration with discord
- ...