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Small library, that provides interop between Slick and ZIO

How to use

Include zio-slick-interop in your build:

libraryDependencies += "io.scalac" %% "zio-slick-interop" % "0.3.0"

It gives you a couple of nice things:

1. DatabaseProvider service

Database is usually a dependency for your other services. Since ZLayer is the best and recommended way to do DI with ZIO, zio-slick-interop provides some convenience bindings for using slick with ZLayer.

Specifically, it's slick.interop.zio.DatabaseProvider, which is a service, defined by ZLayer guidelines and provides access to underlying slick database.

You'd generally want to use it when defining your repository services, like the following.

Say we have a simple raw Slick table:

// import your specific DB driver here
import slick.jdbc.H2Profile.api._

final case class Item(id: Long, name: String)

// Raw Slick table
object ItemsTable {

  class Items(tag: Tag) extends Table[Item](tag, "items") {
    def id    = column[Long]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
    def name  = column[String]("name")
    def *     = (id, name) <> ((Item.apply _).tupled, Item.unapply _)

  val table = TableQuery[ItemsTable.Items]

And we want to have a repository service on top of it with the following contract:

import zio._

trait ItemRepository {

    def getById(id: Long): IO[Throwable, Option[Item]]


Then we can implement it as a database-agnostic Slick repository using DatabaseProvider:

import zio._

import slick.interop.zio.DatabaseProvider
// adds ZIO.fromDBIO extension
import slick.interop.zio.syntax._

object SlickItemRepository {

  val live: ZLayer[Has[DatabaseProvider], Throwable, Has[ItemRepository]] =
    ZLayer.fromServiceM { db => { profile =>

        import profile.api._
        new ItemRepository {
          private val items = ItemsTable.table

          def getById(id: Long): IO[Throwable, Option[Item]] = {
            val query = items.filter( === id).result
} is a repository layer that depends on raw underlying database.

You can notice ZIO.fromDBIO which is provided by zio-slick-interop and is described below.

2. Lifting DBIO into ZIO

There's a syntax extension allowing to lift DBIO actions into ZIO:

import slick.interop.zio.syntax._
import slick.interop.zio.DatabaseProvider
import zio._
// import your specific DB driver here
import slick.jdbc.H2Profile.api._

val insert = ItemsTable.table += Item(0L, "name")

val z: ZIO[Has[DatabaseProvider], Throwable, Int] = ZIO.fromDBIO(insert)

This is a ZIO, that can be run given a DatabaseProvider is present in the environment.

⚠️ Make sure to have slick.interop.zio.syntax._ imported.

There's also ZIO.fromStreamingDBIO, which works with streaming slick actions.

When executing a sequence of actions (when "flatMap-ing"), in the context of a transaction with transactionally for example, Slick requires an implicit ExecutionContext in scope. For this use-case, another overload to ZIO.fromDBIO takes a function with an ExecutionContext as argument:

import slick.interop.zio.syntax._
import slick.interop.zio.DatabaseProvider
import zio._

// import your specific DB driver here
import slick.jdbc.H2Profile.api._

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext

val id: Long = ???

val z: ZIO[Has[DatabaseProvider], Throwable, Unit] = 
  ZIO.fromDBIO { implicit ec: ExecutionContext =>
    (for {
      _ <- ItemsTable.table += Item(0L, "name")
      _ <- ItemsTable.table.filter( === id).map("new name")
    } yield ()).transactionally

Creating a DatabaseProvider.

DatabaseProvider provides a live layer that needs:

Here's an example of creating a DatabaseProvider layer:

import zio._
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import slick.interop.zio.DatabaseProvider

val rootConfig: Config = ???

val dbConfigLayer = ZLayer.fromEffect (ZIO.effect(rootConfig.getConfig("db")))
val dbBackendLayer = ZLayer.succeed(slick.jdbc.H2Profile)

(dbConfigLayer ++ dbBackendLayer) >>>

Developed by Scalac


Slick interop for ZIO







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