Made by: Arnulfo Iván Treviño Cavazos - Fernando Morán Fougerat - Jose Ignacio Paez Batallas - Julen Hoppenstedt Mandiola - Pedro Alejandro Rodriguez Gonzalez
This project allows us to keep tabs on different aspects about a plants wellbeing, taking advantage of tools such as sensores and NodeMCU ESP8266, inserting the measured data to an SQL database. The sensors that we employed are:
- Distance infrared sensor
- We built a tank, and used HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor to check if the tank is empty
- Humity sensor
- We added a humity sensor, that checks the current percentage of the plant and, if needed, turns on the water pump.
- Temperature sensor
- This sensor returns the current temperature in °C, to see if it's okay for our plant's growth.
- Fotovoltaic resistance
- We added a fotovoltaic resistance to see the current light it receives, and turns on a led light (in preference, turn on a LED grow bulb).
- Movement sensor
- This PIR sensorschecks if there is movement that affects the plant, such as wind and/or animals.
We added all our data measured to an mySQL server, and we made our dashboard using Looker.