This is a collection of configuration files for my Arch installation.
- Post Arch Installation
- Window Manager and Login
- Setting up
- Building the Basic Environment
- Extra Tools
- Extra Software
My preffered Window Manager is Hyprland. But I also use GNOME in case I want to use a more traditional desktop environment.
Before setting up the window manager, install some fonts to avoid issues.
$ sudo pacman -S ttf-dejavu ttf-liberation noto-fonts noto-fonts-cjk ttf-font-awesome
I also use some custom fonts, but these can be installed later:
- Mononoki (Nerd Font)
- Montserrat (available on Google Fonts)
My daily setup is:
- Hyprland (Window Manager)
- SDDM (Login Manager)
- Refer to SDDM's documentation to change the theme (located in
- Refer to SDDM's documentation to change the theme (located in
- kitty (Terminal)
# Gnome
$ sudo pacman -S gnome-shell gnome-terminal gnome-control-center gnome-menus evince xdg-desktop-portal-gnome
# Hyprland
$ sudo pacman -S hyprland sddm kitty waybar qt5-wayland qt6-wayland xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland qt5-graphicaleffects qt5-quickcontrols2 polkit-kde-agent hypridle hyprlock hyprshot hyprutils
$ sudo systemctl enable sddm.service
# Clipboard tools
$ sudo pacman -S wl-clipboard cliphist
# You may want to reboot so LightDM launches Hyprland on the next boot.
$ systemctl reboot
Once rebooted, login into your user and you should see Hyprland.
Open a terminal and with a text editor edit your .bashrc
alias dotfiles='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME'
Once you have added the alias, clone the dotfiles repository.
Make sure you've set up your SSH keys for GitHub.
$ git clone --bare [email protected]:fer-hnndz/dotfiles.git $HOME/.dotfiles
$ dotfiles config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
# Before checking out, make sure to install required fonts.
$ dotfiles checkout
In this section I'm going to details the tools I use in my Hyprland environment.
GNOME should pretty much work out of the box.
To setup wallpapers, install swww.
$ sudo pacman -S swww
swww config is done on the Hyprland config file. You can also use
swww {path} to set a wallpaper.
I use Pipewire for audio. Refer to the installation guide for setup details.
$ sudo pacman -S pipewire pipewire-audio pipewire-pulse pipewire-alsa pipewire-jack
To add control via CLI or GUI install pamixer
$ sudo pacman -S pavucontrol pamixer
Installing and rebooting should be enough to get audio working.
I use EasyEffects
. I've also included some presets in the extra-config
To apply the presets, move them to ~/.config/easyeffects/output
and select them in the EasyEffects GUI.
For equalizer effects to work, install these plugins:
- calf
- lsp-plugins
$ sudo pacman -S easyeffects calf lsp-plugins
To control the brightness of the screen, you can use brightnessctl
You can also install wlsunset to control the color temperature of your screen.
$ sudo pacman -S brightnessctl wlsunset
$ wlsunset -l LAT -L LON
Refer to Hyprland's Monitor Setup
Refer to Hyprland Touchpad Settings
I use hyprlock to lock the session.
My configuration automatically invokes hyprlock when returning from a suspend.
sudo pacman -S hyprlock
I use bluez
and blueman
to manage bluetooth devices.
$ sudo pacman -S bluez blueman
$ sudo systemctl enable bluetooth.service
I use Plymouth as my boot screen.
To apply the configuration, copy the file plymouthd.conf
located in extra-config
to /etc/plymouth/
Also, make sure to copy mkinitcpio.conf
to /etc/
and run sudo mkinitcpio -P
to apply the changes.
In this section I'm going to detail some extra tools that I use in my Arch environment that speed up my workflow.
Rofi is a program launcher just like MacOS's Spotlight.
Also install some icons so it looks better with the config.
You can install it with:
$ sudo pacman -S rofi papirus-icon-theme
To avoid all the hassle of building and installing packages from the AUR, I suggest to install yay
to simplify those tasks.
Install the necessary tools for building packages and then clone the yay git repo.
$ sudo pacman -S base-devel
$ git clone
$ cd yay
$ makepkg -si
Easily control the network with an applet.
$ sudo pacman -S network-manager-applet
With Hyprland no further notification setup is needed aside from installing a notification daemon.
sudo pacman -S mako
I use zsh
as my shell and oh-my-zsh
as my configuration manager.
To install zsh
and oh-my-zsh
$ sudo pacman -S zsh
$ sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Install the zsh-autosuggestions
, zsh-syntax-highlighting
and zsh-shift-select
$ git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
$ git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
$ git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-shift-select
A list of software that I use in my environment, but that is not necessary for the configuration to work, or no detailed explanation for setup is needed.
Software | Description |
Thunar | File Manager |
Less | Pager for Git and Arch journal |
hyrppolkit-agent | Auth agent for Hyprland |
visual-studio-code-bin (AUR) | Propietary VsCode (for extension sync support) |
spotify (AUR) | ¯_(ツ)_/¯ |
Discord | Chat |
Gedit | Simple graphical text editor |
obs-studio | Screen recording |
galculator | Calculator |
filelight | Disk usage analyzer |
htop | System monitor |
cmatrix | Matrix screensaver |
evince | PDF viewer |
py7zip | 7zip |