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A TypeScript-first internationalization library for Astro.

Key features

  • 🪶 Lightweight.
  • 🏗️ Build-time loading.
  • 🌏 Internationalized routing.
  • 🔒 Type-safety and autocompletion.
  • 🔧 Support for plurals, context, interpolations and formatters.
  • 🚀 Built for Astro and nothing else.


Translation function

Translation function preview.

Translated routing function

Translated routing function preview.

Content page

Get started


# npm
npm install astro-i18n
# yarn
yarn add astro-i18n
# pnpm
pnpm add astro-i18n



Run the following command.

# node
node_modules/.bin/astro-i18n install
# deno
deno run npm:astro-i18n install

Add astroI18n.init(Astro) at the start of your page's frontmatter.

import { astroI18n } from "astro-i18n"


<MyApp />

Go to next step.


Add astro-i18n to your astro.config integrations.

import { defineConfig } from "astro/config"
import i18n from "astro-i18n"

export default defineConfig({ integrations: [i18n()] })

Create an astro.i18n.config file, supported extensions are .js, .cjs, .mjs, .ts, .cts, .mts, .json. You can use the defineAstroI18nConfig helper to get autocompletion.

import { defineAstroI18nConfig } from "astro-i18n"

export default defineAstroI18nConfig({
	defaultLangCode: "en",
	supportedLangCodes: [],
	showDefaultLangCode: false,
	translations: {},
	routeTranslations: {},

Add the following line to src/env.d.ts. You may get an error because the file doesn't exist yet, it's ok. This file will contain your generated types, if you want to remove the error for now you can create a placeholder for that path.

/// <reference path="../.astro-i18n/generated.d.ts" />

Add the following command to your scripts.

// node
	"i18n:sync": "astro-i18n sync"
// deno
	"i18n:sync": "deno run npm:astro-i18n sync"

Add astroI18n.init(Astro) at the start of your page's frontmatter.

import { astroI18n } from "astro-i18n"


<MyApp />



Determines your default language. It's en by default.


An array of all the supported languages that are not your defaultLangCode. This is an empty array by default.


This will control the visibility of the defaultLangCode in the URL. If defaultLangCode is en and if showDefaultLangCode is true your index page will be /en instead of /. It's false by default.


Add your translations as code, or provide a file path to load them from a .json file. You can also add page specific translations directly from the page's directory.

export default defineAstroI18nConfig({
	defaultLangCode: "en",
	supportedLangCodes: ["de"],
	translations: {
		en: {
			my: {
				translation: "A text translation".
		de: "root/relative/path/to/my/german/translations.json"


This works similarly to translations, except the language's object is not nested and you don't need to provide translations for your defaultLangCode. You can also add your routeTranslations directly from the page's directory.

export default defineAstroI18nConfig({
	defaultLangCode: "en",
	supportedLangCodes: ["fr", "it"],
	routeTranslations: {
		fr: {
			about: "a-propos",
			products: "produits",
			posts: "articles",
		it: "root/relative/path/to/my/italian/route/translations.json",

That's it

Run the following command to generate the types corresponding to your configuration and translations.

# node
npm run i18n:sync
# deno
deno run npm:astro-i18n install

Start translating.

import { astroI18n, t, l } from "astro-i18n"


<a href={ l("/about") }>
	{ t("page.about") }


Declare your translations directly in pages

You can have your translation and your route translations sitting directly with your pages by having an i18n folder next to them. The .json translations files will be named after the language they cover. You can use the special translation key "{route}" to translate the route.


├── pages/
│   ├── index.astro
│   ├── i18n/
│   │   ├── en.json
│   │   └── fr.json
│   └── about/
│       ├── index.astro
│       └── i18n/
│           ├── en.json
│           └── fr.json


	"{route}": "a-propos",
	"my": {
		"translation:": "Une traduction."


Variants are the way that plurals and context are handled. At the moment they support string and number values (you can mix them). astro-i18n will try to find the closest match. If there is a variantless translation key, it will be used as a default value.

  • Numbers will match the closest one.
  • Strings will match exact matches.


	"my": {
		"translation": "I have nothing.",
		"translation{nCars:1, nBikes:1}": "I have a car and a bike.",
		"translation{nCars:2, nBikes:1}": "I have a lot of cars but only one bike.",
		"translation{nCars:1, nBikes:2}": "I have only one car but a lot of bikes.",
		"translation{nCars:2, nBikes:2}": "I have a lot of cars and bikes."
import { t } from "astro-i18n"

t("my.translation") // "I have nothing."
t("my.translation", { nCars: 0, nBikes: 1 }) // "I have a car and a bike."
t("my.translation", { nCars: 11, nBikes: 0 }) // "I have a lot of cars but only one bike."
t("my.translation", { nCars: -7, nBikes: 5 }) // "I have only one car but a lot of bikes."
t("my.translation", { nCars: 2, nBikes: 15 }) // "I have a lot of cars and bikes."
	"my": {
		"translation": "Just a normal day.",
		"translation{weather:'cold'}": "It's really rainy today.",
		"translation{weather:'hot'}": "It's really sunny today."
import { t } from "astro-i18n"

t("my.translation") // "Just a normal day."
t("my.translation", { weather: "cold" }) // "It's really rainy today."
t("my.translation", { weather: "hot" }) // "It's really sunny today."


Interpolations allow you to insert content into a translation. The inserted content can be pre-processed by formatters.


	"my": {
		"translation1": "My name is {name}.",
		"translation2": "My name is {name:'Alex'}.",
		"translation3": "My name is {name:'Jessica'|uppercase}.",
		"translation3": "My name is {name|uppercase|lowercase}."
import { t } from "astro-i18n"

t("my.translation1", { name: "Patrick" }) // "My name is Patrick."
t("my.translation2") // "My name is Alex."
t("my.translation3") // "My name is JESSICA."
t("my.translation3", { name: "JoHn" }) // "My name is john."


Formatters are functions that take the inserted value (or default value if none) and return a string. If there's more than one formatter for the same interpolation they will be chained. You can add custom formatters using astroI18n.init or astroI18n.addFormatter. Just like the main interpolation value, formatters can also take variables that will be given at run-time through the t function options.

	"my": {
		"translation1": "It costs {amount|number(options)}.",
		"translation2": "It was the {datetime|date(options)}."
import { t } from "astro-i18n"
// current language is english ("en")

t("my.translation1", {
	amount: 50,
	options: { style: "currency", currency: "EUR" },
}) // "It costs €50.00."
t("my.translation2", {
	options: { dateStyle: "full" },
}) // "It was the Saturday, 26 November 2022."
Default formatters

A wrapper around Intl.DateTimeFormat. It can take a Date, a number or a string as value. Displays the year, month and days and uses the current language by default.

date(value: unknown, options: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions = {}, langCode = astroI18n.langCode)


A wrapper around Intl.NumberFormat. It can take a number or a string as value. Displays the given number to the given language format by default (uses the current one if not provided).

number(value: unknown, options: Intl.NumberFormatOptions = {}, langCode = astroI18n.langCode)



The i18n function is the default astro-i18n export and the astro integration function. It can take an optional path to your astro-i18n config file, if it's not in the root.


The defineAstroI18nConfig is an helper to give you autocompletion and type-safety when defining your astro-i18n config.


This function will extract a supported lang code (either the default one or one inside supportedLangCodes) from the given route.


A helper function to append a query string to a url/route.


This is where the astro-i18n run-time state resides. The langCode gets updated thanks to astroI18n.init, because of this it is only usable after the function runs.

  • defaultLangCode: see configuration.
  • supportedLangCodes: see configuration.
  • showDefaultLangCode: see configuration.
  • translations: see configuration.
  • routeTranslations: see configuration.
  • init: A function to initialize astro-i18n for the current request/page, it will set astroI18n.langCode to the current one. You can pass an object containing your custom formatters for them to be available, e.g. astroI18n.init(Astro, { myFormatter: (value) => String(value)}).
  • langCode: The langCode for the current page.
  • langCodes: A concatenation of defaultLangCode and supportedLangCodes.
  • addTranslations: Adds translations at runtime, see configuration.
  • addRouteTranslations: Adds route translations at runtime, see configuration.
  • getFormatter / setFormatter / deleteFormatter: Functions to manage formatters.


The t function is the main function to translate, it can take up to three arguments.

  • path: Your translation path, e.g. "".
  • options: (optional) An object containing all the path's translation variant properties, interpolation and formatter arguments.
  • langCode: (optional) The target language, it will default to astroI18n.langCode.


The l function is a function used to get translated routes, it can take up to four arguments.

  • route: The route to translate, it can take parameters, e.g. "/posts/[id]".
  • params: (optional) An object containing all the route's params.
  • targetLangCode: (optional) The target language, it will default to astroI18n.langCode.
  • routeLangCode: (optional) The route langCode, the l function will try to auto-detect it but you can override it here. If not overriden and the auto-detection fails it will default to the defaultLangCode.


An astro component that will automatically generate hreflang tags for the current page. This is used for SEO, add it to the <head> of your page.


astro-i18n install

  • Adds astro-i18n to your integrations.
  • Generates an astro-i18n config file (no override).
  • Generates a placeholder file for your generated types (no override).
  • Links your ambient env.d.ts to your generated types.
  • Creates astro-i18n commands in your package.json / deno.json.
Option Shortcut Default Description
--config -c Project's root A custom path relative from the project's root where you want your astro-i18n config created.

astro-i18n sync

  • Generates translated routes (astro-i18n sync:pages).
  • Generates types for your current translations & routet translations (astro-i18n sync:types).
Option Shortcut Default Description
--config -c Project's root A custom path relative from the project's root where you want your astro-i18n config created.

astro-i18n extract:keys

  • Generates a json file containing all the pure string translation keys you used with the t function in the src directory.


Alexandre Fernandez
Alexandre Fernandez
Fabian Lars
Fabian Lars


A TypeScript-first internationalization library for Astro.







No releases published


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  • TypeScript 97.5%
  • JavaScript 2.0%
  • Astro 0.5%