Target Framework .NET 5.0
var ApiService = OzonSellerApiService.Instance;
ApiService.Configure("", "<your ApiKey>", "<your ClientId>");
Usage examples:
public async Task TestGetDeliveryMethodList()
var result = await ApiService.GetDeliveryMethodListAsync(
new DeliveryMethodListParameters()
Limit = 1,
Offset = 0,
Filter = new DeliveryMethodListFilter()
ProviderId = 0,
Status = DeliveryMethodStatus.ACTIVE,
WarehouseId = null
Assert.IsTrue(result.Count >= 0);
public async Task TestWarehousesList()
var result = await ApiService.GetWarehouseListAsync();
Assert.IsTrue(result.Count >= 0);
Command description:
[ApiGetCommand(Url = "/categories/tree", SchemaVersion = SchemaVersion.v1)]
public class GetCategoryTreeCommand : ApiCommandBase<List<Category>>
[ApiPostCommand(Url = "/warehouse/list")]
public class GetWarehouseListCommand : ApiCommandBase<List<Warehouse>>
[ApiPostCommand(Url = "/delivery-method/list")]
public class GetDeliveryMethodListCommand : ApiCommandBase<List<DeliveryMethod>>
OzonSellerApiService class wraps these commands:
public class OzonSellerApiService
public async Task<List<Warehouse>> GetWarehouseListAsync()
var cmd = new GetWarehouseListCommand { Connection = Connection };
var result = await cmd.ExecuteAsync();
return result;
There are still a lot of things to do