Code by Gino Morilla (2023)
Optimizeimages script may optimize images at certain path, stripping metadata, and with an optional resize.
It will make use of following binaries which need to be installed:
- jpegoptim
- optipng
- identify (imagemagick)
- mogrify (imagemagick)
- convert (imagemagick)
How to use it:
./ -p|--path
Select any of these options:
-p, --path Mandatory! Select path where images are
-q, --quality Select final quality (DEFAULT: 75%)
-r, --resize Select maximum size in pixels for the largest side, keeping aspect ratio
-w, --width Select maximum width in pixels for the images, keeping aspect ratio
-v, --height Select maximum height in pixels for the images, keeping aspect ratio
-u, --unsharp Unsharp resized/shrinked images by using: -unsharp 1.5x1+0.7+0.02
-d, --day Just to process ONLY recent images (last day images starting at midnight)
-j, --jpeg Process ONLY jpeg files at path
-x, --png Process ONLY pngs files at path
-h, --help Some help here!