general improvements and bugfixes
CVBS: optimized CPU usage and bug fixes
CVBS: monochrome can be switched while running
CVBS: added progressive PAL wide mode
CVBS: added progressive NTSC wide mode
CVBS: added BaseExample demo
CVBS: added NTSC 240p mode
bugfix: MCP23S17, clean exit when no MCP23S17 is found (WROVER-E)
frame buffer allocation: improved strategy to allow more lines
UI: memory footprint optimization
UI: Added uiStaticLabel control
Audio: rewritten audio generator code (save more than 4K of memory)
Audio: fixed compatibility with ESP32 core >2.0.0
Audio: added support for Sigma-Delta audio generation
Added SoundChipSimulator example (by Carles Oriol)
Added Norwegian keyboard layout (thanks to Knut Zakariassen)
AnsiTerminal: adjusted some resolutions to work with lower free memory
SpaceInvaders: now can work with just a mouse or just a keyboard
Terminal: fixed UART compatibility with core >2.0.0
Terminal: simplified connectSerialPort() serial parameters avoiding use of UARTConf
Terminal: avoid use of "struct" registers when writing
Terminal: added 3 stop bits option
Terminal: bugfix, cannot open dialog when CTS/RTS Flow Control is selected
Added to convert TTF fonts to FabGL headers
Added Japanese keyboard layout (thanks )
PC Emulator: better modeline for Hercules emulation
PC Emulator: improved timer accuracy
PC Emulator: reduced memory footprint
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