A router for socket.io that handles events in a RESTful style
npm install socket-rest
var socketRest = require('socket-rest')();
// Register socket rest router as socket.io middleware
// Use express-like router methods to define your routes
socketRest.put('/users/:id/photos/:photoId', function (req, socket) {
console.log(req); // req will have path params and query params
// Use the socket instance to emit-back to clients
socketRest.delete('/users/:id', function (req, socket, isSoftDelete) {
socket.emit('user:deleted', req.params.id);
// Suffix the route with a verb expression
socket.emit('/users/2/delete', true); // isSoftDelete will be true
The verb can be specified by suffixing the route with a verb expression. Several verb expressions can translate to one HTTP verb:
Verb expressions | HTTP Verb |
get, read | GET |
post, create | POST |
put, update | PUT |
delete | DELETE |
npm test
In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.