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SEA updater

SEA updater #211

GitHub Actions / JUnit Test Report failed Oct 29, 2024 in 0s

39 tests run, 38 passed, 0 skipped, 1 failed.


Check failure on line 118 in test/general-cli.mjs

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / JUnit Test Report

/home/runner/work/fauna-shell/fauna-shell/test/general-cli.mjs.cli operations should check for updates when run

expected stub to have been called with arguments { pkg: 
   { name: 'fauna-shell',
     description: 'faunadb shell',
     version: '4.0.0-beta',
     author: 'Fauna',
     type: 'module',
     bin: { fauna: './src/user-entrypoint.mjs' },
     bugs: '',
      { '@inquirer/prompts': '^7.0.0',
        awilix: '^12.0.2',
        chalk: '^5.3.0',
        eslint: '^9.12.0',
        faunadb: '^4.5.4',
        inquirer: '^12.0.0',
        open: '10.1.0',
        'update-notifier': '^7.3.1',
        yargs: '^17.7.2' },
      { '@eslint/eslintrc': '^3.1.0',
        '@eslint/js': '^9.11.1',
        '@fauna/typescript': '^0.0.12',
        '@inquirer/testing': '^2.1.7',
        '@types/chai': '^5.0.0',
        '@types/mocha': '^10.0.1',
        '@types/node': '^22.7.5',
        '@types/sinon': '^17.0.3',
        '@types/yargs': '^17.0.33',
        chai: '^5.1.1',
        esbuild: '^0.24.0',
        'eslint-config-prettier': '^9.1.0',
        globals: '^15.10.0',
        husky: '^9.1.6',
        mocha: '^10.7.3',
        'mocha-junit-reporter': '^2.2.1',
        postject: '^1.0.0-alpha.6',
        prettier: '^3.3.3',
        sinon: '^19.0.2',
        'sinon-called-with-diff': '^3.1.1',
        'sinon-chai': '^4.0.0',
        'try-to-catch': '^3.0.1',
        typescript: '^5.6.3' },
     engines: { node: '>=20.0.0' },
     files: [ '/src' ],
     homepage: '',
     keywords: [ 'fauna', 'faunadb', 'shell', 'database', 'nosql', 'cli' ],
     license: 'MPL-2.0',
     main: './src/user-entrypoint.mjs',
     repository: 'fauna/fauna-shell',
      { pretest: 'npm run format && npm run lint',
        lint: 'eslint . --fix',
        test: 'mocha --recursive ./test --require ./test/mocha-root-hooks.mjs --reporter spec --reporter mocha-junit-reporter',
        'test:local': 'mocha --recursive ./test --require ./test/mocha-root-hooks.mjs',
        build: 'npm run build:app && npm run build:sea',
        'build:app': 'esbuild --bundle ./src/user-entrypoint.mjs --platform=node --outfile=./dist/cli.cjs --format=cjs --inject:./sea/import-meta-url.js --define:import.meta.url=importMetaUrl',
        'build:sea': 'node ./sea/build.cjs',
        format: 'prettier -w .' },
     husky: { hooks: [Object] } },
  updateCheckInterval: 604800000 }
Raw output
AssertionError: expected stub to have been called with arguments { pkg: 
   { name: 'fauna-shell',
     description: 'faunadb shell',
     version: '4.0.0-beta',
     author: 'Fauna',
     type: 'module',
     bin: { fauna: './src/user-entrypoint.mjs' },
     bugs: '',
      { '@inquirer/prompts': '^7.0.0',
        awilix: '^12.0.2',
        chalk: '^5.3.0',
        eslint: '^9.12.0',
        faunadb: '^4.5.4',
        inquirer: '^12.0.0',
        open: '10.1.0',
        'update-notifier': '^7.3.1',
        yargs: '^17.7.2' },
      { '@eslint/eslintrc': '^3.1.0',
        '@eslint/js': '^9.11.1',
        '@fauna/typescript': '^0.0.12',
        '@inquirer/testing': '^2.1.7',
        '@types/chai': '^5.0.0',
        '@types/mocha': '^10.0.1',
        '@types/node': '^22.7.5',
        '@types/sinon': '^17.0.3',
        '@types/yargs': '^17.0.33',
        chai: '^5.1.1',
        esbuild: '^0.24.0',
        'eslint-config-prettier': '^9.1.0',
        globals: '^15.10.0',
        husky: '^9.1.6',
        mocha: '^10.7.3',
        'mocha-junit-reporter': '^2.2.1',
        postject: '^1.0.0-alpha.6',
        prettier: '^3.3.3',
        sinon: '^19.0.2',
        'sinon-called-with-diff': '^3.1.1',
        'sinon-chai': '^4.0.0',
        'try-to-catch': '^3.0.1',
        typescript: '^5.6.3' },
     engines: { node: '>=20.0.0' },
     files: [ '/src' ],
     homepage: '',
     keywords: [ 'fauna', 'faunadb', 'shell', 'database', 'nosql', 'cli' ],
     license: 'MPL-2.0',
     main: './src/user-entrypoint.mjs',
     repository: 'fauna/fauna-shell',
      { pretest: 'npm run format && npm run lint',
        lint: 'eslint . --fix',
        test: 'mocha --recursive ./test --require ./test/mocha-root-hooks.mjs --reporter spec --reporter mocha-junit-reporter',
        'test:local': 'mocha --recursive ./test --require ./test/mocha-root-hooks.mjs',
        build: 'npm run build:app && npm run build:sea',
        'build:app': 'esbuild --bundle ./src/user-entrypoint.mjs --platform=node --outfile=./dist/cli.cjs --format=cjs --inject:./sea/import-meta-url.js --define:import.meta.url=importMetaUrl',
        'build:sea': 'node ./sea/build.cjs',
        format: 'prettier -w .' },
     husky: { hooks: [Object] } },
  updateCheckInterval: 604800000 }
    at Context.<anonymous> (file:///home/runner/work/fauna-shell/fauna-shell/test/general-cli.mjs:118:41)