Updated version of httmock, redis, pip, pytest
Ability to build both net and regular poseidon packages easier in Make now
Can use the 'all' field sepcifier in the CLI to get all fields
Added new configuration option: trust_self_signed_cert which defaults to True
Output from external sources such as PoseidonML, p0f, etc. now show results in the CLI
Fixed fields of mixed types so they can be used to sort by in the CLI
Original header is preserved when overriding fields in CLI
Updated and improved documentation for using BCF
Fixed an error where results from PoseidonML were sometimes not retrieved
Fixed an error where duplicate records were showing up in the CLI
Fixed an error where endpoints that were already mirroring superceded queued endpoints
poseidon reset
now clears out the Redis database
Fixed port and switch output in the CLI for BCF results
Finished implementing specific show commands in the CLI
BCF API response codes are now parsed and logged appropriately
Action commands in the CLI now work, including changing state and collecting, via changing to say a mirror state
Fixed the poseidon shell script to handle if the poseidon-net package was installed
Updated Docker images to use alpine 3.9
Fixed a serious bug that cause BCF to no longer work with Poseidon due it not being able to create filters by MAC address
You can’t perform that action at this time.