Easy serial communications between iOS devices and Arduinos via a RedPark serial cable.
While RedPark provides an SDK for using their cables for serial communications, it exposes a very primitive interface for sending and receiving bytes.
By porting Bill Porter's EasyTransfer Arduino Library, which originally was Arduino-to-Arduino communications only, to the iOS, we are now able to transfer structured data (namely C-structs) between the iOS device and the Arduino with very few lines of code.
To use, just copy ArduinoEasyTransfer.{h,m}
into your project and make sure
that ArduinoEasyTransfer.m
has been the application/library target's Compile Sources
These structs should be accessible from the Objective-C code as well as Arduino code,
so it's convenient to stick them all in one header file. Let's call it data.h
// data.h
struct XYCoordinates {
int x;
int y;
struct iDeviceToArduino {
int foo;
float bar;
char quux;
struct XYCoordinates coords;
struct ArduinoToIDevice {
int x;
int y;
Let's say we've define a class Foobar
that handles serial communications. To
handle events from the Redpark cable it must conform to the RscMgrDelegate
// Foobar.h
@interface Foobar : NSObject <RscMgrDelegate> {
RscMgr *rscMgr;
ArduinoEasyTransfer *txTransfer;
ArduinoEasyTransfer *rxTransfer;
You'll want to initialise these the following way:
// Foobar.m
#import "ArduinoEasyTransfer.h"
#import "RscMgr.h"
#import "data.h"
@implementation Foobar
-(id)init {
if(self = [super init]) {
rscMgr = [[RscMgr alloc] init];
[rscMgr setDelegate:self];
txTransfer = [[ArduinoEasyTransfer alloc] initWithSize:sizeof(typeof(struct iDeviceToArduino))];
rxTransfer = [[ArduinoEasyTransfer alloc] initWithSize:sizeof(typeof(struct ArduinoToIDevice))];
return self;
// Foobar.m
struct iDeviceToArduino txMessage = { 1, 2.0f, 'c', {10,20}};
[txTransfer sendDataWith:rscMgr bytes:(void *)txMessage];
Just implement readBytesAvailable:
so that we're told about any incoming
data. We use EasyTransfer to make sense of it:
// Foobar.m
- (void)readBytesAvailable:(UInt32)numBytes {
struct iDeviceToArduino rxMessage;
while ([easyTransfer receiveDataFrom:rscMgr into:(void *)&rxMessage]) {
// do something with rxMessage...
Follow the code examples on EasyTransfer's home page.
No worries, just file an issue on GitHub. Better still, find out the issue and submit a pull request.