A mind map Vue component inspired by MindNode, based on d3.js
The functions currently implemented include editing, dragging, zooming, undoing, and context menu ...
Online demo:https://mindnode.5xin.xyz/
npm install @hellowuxin/mindmap
// In your vue file
import mindmap from '@hellowuxin/mindmap'
Name | Type | Default | Description |
v-model | Array | undefined | Set up mindmap data |
width | Number | 100% | Set component width |
height | Number | undefined | Set component height |
xSpacing | Number | 80 | Set node horizontal spacing |
ySpacing | Number | 20 | Set node vertical spacing |
strokeWidth | Number | 4 | Set the width of the line |
draggable | Boolean | true | Set whether node is draggable |
gps | Boolean | true | Whether to show center button |
fitView | Boolean | true | Whether to show zoom button |
showNodeAdd | Boolean | true | Whether to show add-node button |
keyboard | Boolean | true | Whether to respond to keyboard event |
contextMenu | Boolean | true | Whether to respond to contextMenu event |
nodeClick | Boolean | true | Set whether the node can be clicked and edited |
zoomable | Boolean | true | Whether it can be zoomed or dragged |
showUndo | Boolean | true | Whether to show the undo/redo button |
<div id="app">
import mindmap from '@hellowuxin/mindmap'
export default {
name: 'App',
components: {
data: () => ({
data: [{
{"name":"HTML & CSS", "children": []},
{"name":"JavaScript", "children": []}
"children": []
- Export multiple formats
- Set node width and height
- Multiple root nodes
- Collapse node
- ...