A curated list of awesome puppeteer resources for controlling headless Chrome (or Chromium) over the DevTools Protocol.
- Website - Official Website.
- Homepage - Official homepage.
- GitHub - Official GitHub repository.
- API - Official API docs.
- Playground - Hosted playground where you can experiment with Puppeteer.
- FAQ - Official FAQ.
- DevTools Protocol - Chrome DevTools Protocol API Docs.
- puppeteer-lottie - Renders Lottie animations via Puppeteer to image, GIF or MP4.
- puppeteer-lottie-cli - CLI for this puppeteer-lottie.
- puppeteer-email - Email automation driven by headless chrome.
- puppeteer-email-cli - CLI for email automation driven by headless chrome.
- puppeteer-instagram - Instagram automation driven by headless chrome.
- puppeteer-instagram-cli - CLI for Instagram automation driven by headless chrome.
- puppeteer-github - GitHub automation driven by headless chrome.
- puppeteer-github-cli - CLI for GitHub automation driven by headless chrome.
- puppeteer-social-image - Render social share images using HTML + CSS.
- docker-puppeteer - Docker image with puppeteer installed.
- puppeteer-explore - Utility library for puppeteer.
- differencify - Library for visual regression testing.
- puppeteer-extra - Wrapper to use stealth mode, custom user prefs, etc.
- puppeteer-theater - Automation framework focused on simplifying advanced workflows and stealth.
- puppeteer-render-text - Robust text renderer using headless chrome.
- puppeteer-recorder - Chrome extension that records your browser interactions and generates a Puppeteer script. 🔥
- minimalcss - Extracts the minimal / critical CSS used in a set of URLs.
- puppeteer-cluster - Cluster management for puppeteer.
- chrome-aws-lambda - Chromium binary compatible with AWS Lambda (kept up to date with puppeteer).
- capture-website - Capture screenshots of websites.
- capture-website-cli - CLI to capture screenshots of websites.
- facebook-birthday-cli - Command Line Interface to list and wish your facebook friends.
- timecut - Record smooth movies of web pages with JavaScript animations.
- timesnap - Take screenshots of web pages at smooth intervals.
- pwa-asset-generator - CLI to generate multi-platform PWA icons, splash screens and meta code based on web standards.
- @cliqz/adblocker-puppeteer - Efficient and flexible adblocker library to easily block ads and trackers.
- browserless – A puppeteer-like Node.js library for interacting with Headless production scenarios.
- puppet-canvas - HTML5 Canvas implementation for Node.JS backed by Puppeteer.
- headless-chrome-crawler - Distributed crawler powered by Headless Chrome.
- decktape - PDF exporter for HTML presentation frameworks.
- Puppetron - Demo site that shows how to use Puppeteer and Headless Chrome to render pages. Inspired by GoogleChrome/rendertron.
- puppeteer-renderer - Generic web page renderer.
- ReedD/crawler - BFS site crawler.
- pupperender - Express middleware that renders PWAs for bots using puppeteer.
- prerenderer - Framework-agnostic prerendering for sites and SPAs.
- Apify SDK - Scalable web crawling and scraping library. 🕷️
- webgif - Easily generate animated GIFs from websites.
- whatspup - WhatsApp chat from commandline/console/cli.
- Wbot - Configurable Whatsapp auto reply bot.
- jest-puppeteer - Run your tests using Jest & Puppeteer.
- mocha-headless-chrome - Run client-side mocha tests in the command line through Puppeteer.
- angular-puppeteer-demo - Demos how to use Puppeteer in Karma.
- expect-puppeteer - Assertion library for Puppeteer.
- storybook-chrome-screenshot - Storybook addon to save screenshots of your stories via puppeteer.
- e2e - End-to-end testing.
- rize - High-level, fluent and chainable API provided library for puppeteer.
- mochify - TDD with Browserify, Mocha, Headless Chrome and WebDriver.
- tupe - A generic unit-testing runner for front-end.
- puppetry - Scriptless E2E test automation tool.
- wendigo - Puppeteer wrapper to ease test development.
- Puppeteer Sandbox - Puppeteer sandbox environment as a service. Runs Puppeteer scripts and allows saving and embedding them in external sites and markdown files.
- checkly - Monitoring SaaS that uses Puppeteer to check availability and correctness of web pages and apps.
- url-to-pdf-api - Web page PDF rendering done right. Self-hosted service for rendering.
- browserless - Headless Chrome as a service letting you execute Puppeteer scripts remotely.
- FusionExport - Export dashboards or charts to PDF or images. Looks mature.
- ProxyCrawl - Headless Chrome as a service.
- microlink.io – Turns any site into data.
- HeadlessTesting – Headless Chrome testing with Puppeteer in the Cloud.
- Official examples - Quality examples as part of the official puppeteer repo.
- Official use case-driven examples - More complex, high quality, use case-driven examples.
- puppeteer-examples - Quality examples for real life use cases such as scraping web pages and common login scenarios.
- puppeteer-samples - Misc examples.
- daily-signin - Signin and control various chinese sites.
- linkedin-autoaccept - Auto-accept invitations on linkedin.
- instagram-get-images - Instagram image scraper.
- puppeteer-deep - Demos on crawling, UI automation, trace API and so on.
- html_to_pdf - Generate a simple invoice PDF from HTML.
- Headless Chrome: an answer to server-side rendering JS sites - By a member of the Google headless chrome team.
- Getting started with Puppeteer and Chrome Headless for Web Scraping - Excellent article detailing how to automate GitHub login and scraping.
- A Guide to Automating & Scraping the Web with JavaScript (Chrome + Puppeteer + Node JS) - Excellent, thorough article.
- Chromeless, Chrominator, Chromy, Navalia, Lambdium, GhostJS, AutoGCD - Alternative Headless Chrome Projects.
- What's the difference between Chromium and Chrome?
- NodeJs Scraping with Puppeteer - IMDB Scraping example.
- puppeteer-sharp - Port of Puppeteer to .NET.
- foxr - Node.js API to control Firefox. 🦊
- pyppeteer - Unofficial Python port of Puppeteer.
- capybara-chrome – Unofficial Ruby port of Puppeteer.
- jvppeteer - Headless Chrome For Java .
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To the extent possible under law, Travis Fischer has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.