- Build an Express-powered app that lets FAC students view
- Use a PostgreSQL database to store and retrieve your data.
- Use the retrieved data to populate a Handlebars template for server-side rendering to be displayed on the front-end.
- Clone repo
- Run psql or pgcli on your command line
- CREATE USER your_username WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'your_password';
- ALTER DATABASE facsters OWNER TO your_username;
- Create config.env in the project's root directory
- Paste DB_URL = postgres://your_username:your_password@localhost:5432/facsters into config.env
- Create the local database tables: open the database with the login from #7, using psql or pgcli, then run build script: \i database/db_build.js
- npm run dev
- Go to http://localhost:3000/
- login using: username:apple, password = apples