JSON:API is a specification for building APIs in JSON. This library implements the Document model and a Parser.
The Document is a set of Dart classes describing the main JSON:API objects: Resources and Resource Identifiers, Primary Data, Relationships, etc. Use it to produce a valid JSON:API Document.
Put the following code to hello_world.dart
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:json_api_document/json_api_document.dart';
main() {
final message =
ResourceObject('messages', '1', attributes: {'text': 'Hello world'});
final primaryData =
ResourceData(message, self: Link(Uri.parse('/messages/1')));
final doc = Document(primaryData);
Now execute:
dart hello_world.dart
It will produce the following output (formatted for clarity):
"data": {
"attributes": {
"text":"Hello world"
"links": {
The Parser converts parsed JSON objects to Documents.
Put this code to hello_world_parse.dart
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:json_api_document/parser.dart';
void main() async {
// Read the json from the standard input
final jsonString = await stdin.transform(Utf8Decoder()).join();
// Convert the json to a Dart object
final jsonObject = json.decode(jsonString);
// Parse the object into a document
final doc = JsonApiParser().parseResourceDocument(jsonObject);
// Print the attributes
doc.data.resourceObject.attributes.forEach((k, v) => print('$k: $v'));
Now let's run them together feeding the output of the first program to the second:
dart hello_world.dart | dart hello_world_parse.dart
This will output the parsed attributes:
text: Hello world
Please refer to the example
and test
folders for usage examples.